Whenever you are teaching student a new language that they are not used to speaking at home or around their peers; require a lot of sacrifice for the he teacher and the students that are usually speaking their native tongue. With the challenges ahead the teacher will need to dedicate more time for teaching and instruction for the English Language Learner. And for the student wishing to learn a new language it will also take some sacrifice on their end as well. For the teacher and the pupil it will be very crucial that the students know and see the different language acquisition theories; how they are used in a classroom setting and how to implement those theories in a lesson plan.
As the English Language Learner’s numbers start to increase in districts around the United States; many instructors are looking for more effective ways to teach the ell a new language. The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) is an avenue that teachers use to decide how he/she will attack the different ways of delivering the lessons to the ell so they will be able to understand and gain knowledge and deliver lessons that allow English learners to acquire academic knowledge develop some English language proficiency. When the SIOP method is used all students benefit from the lessons and instructions not just the ells. The more the instructors use the SIOP model the English learner’s progress shall be seen in their academics. Since there are so many language acquisition theories that go along with SIOP; the two methods used in my lesson plans are an Innatist and Interactionist methods. Within both methods there is an emphasis on natural language development and they focus on interaction between people as the main ways to learn and develop a new language.
Innatist Theory In the innatist natural language development is received by the students through materials such as books, friends and other