This was my first day with a new workshop group, so I was kind of nervous. Since this was the second day for this workshop to meet, it seemed everyone was already acquainted with each other. Although, we started the workshop with everyone giving a brief introduction about themselves. This made me feel a lot more comfortable and closer with the group. I learned a lot of interesting things about my new facilitators. Glen was born and raised from North Carolina. He described himself as a renaissance man; the way he introduced his lifestyle and hobbies to us that is the perfect way to describe him. Glen is passionate about the outdoors; surfing and hiking, and loves to remodel furniture. His favorite summer vacation was living the whole summer on the beach which he spent surfing, driving his jeep, and cutting meats at his deli. Super cool. Amber is very happily married. She loves cartoons and anime. Throughout the workshop, I noticed how passionate she takes her job. She seemed very kind and caring towards her students that was taking this workshop …show more content…
After filling out the criteria accordingly, I was assigned the orange, or better known as “impulsive,” leadership style. At first I was skeptical that a single color with these characteristics could define me… but then I started to read what the orange color had to offer. Quick action, immediate results, using humor to ease tension. Abiding to mundane rules feel tedious; I am bored with routine and structure. I advocate freedom and creativity rather than restrictive rules and policies. After careful consideration, I couldn’t agree more that this color fit my persona exactly. When the workshop was, over I told my RA, Chantelle Simon about what color I was assigned and what traits it held. Of course, she was not surprised one bit. Overall, my second day of the workshop went well. I got the opportunity to learn more about myself. I was introduced to some awesome, and interesting people in that class. I am extremely excited to see what the next workshops must offer, to learn more about myself, and spend time with other people who are passionate to become an