A postmodern era implies one that is in a state of uncertainty and chaos by way of social structures in society. Postmodernists would argue that the modern social structures within society are very rapidly breaking down. They would argue, and there is much evidence within society today for this, that structures such as the family are breaking down and collapsing. Families now, in comparison to society 20 or 30 years ago, have become weak and almost unimportant. In previous years, it would be considered out of the ordinary for people to grow up without getting married and having children; however, in current ‘postmodern’ society it is almost the norm. This evidence suggests that the view that we are now living in a new postmodern era is a successful one.
Post-Modernists believe that there are few social constraints within society and that there is a mass of individuals making independent choices about their lifestyles. This belief implies that society has changed as a whole and that it is not as tightly-knit as once before. The social, community cohesion that we may have seen in previous years is fading and society is turning away from the ‘one nation’, ‘big society’ idea and becoming more a society of many individuals not creating the same norms and values as one another. This idea of individual significance also highlights a belief that we are consumers; each individual is able to make decisions on our own choices in education, health, personal relations and lifestyle. We can define