Lab– Ide entifying g IPv4 Addresse
Part 1: Identify IPv4 Addresses
Identify the networrk and host po ortion of an IP
P address.
Identify the range of o host addres sses given a network/prefiix mask pair.
Part 2: Cllassify IPv4 Addresses
Identify the type off address (nettwork, host, multicast, m or b broadcast). Identify whether an n address is public p or priva ate. Deterrmine if an address assignm ment is a valid host addresss.
nd / Scenarrio
ng is an imporrtant function of network la ayer protocolss because it e enables data ccommunicatio on between hosts h on the same s network k, or on differe ent networks.. In this lab, yyou will examiine the structu ure of
Internet Protocol
versio on 4 (IPv4) ad ddresses. You u will identify the various tyypes of IPv4 a addresses an nd the componen nts that help comprise c the address, suc ch as networkk portion, hostt portion, and subnet maskk. Types of address ses covered include i public c, private, unic cast, and mu lticast.
Required Resources
Devic ce with Interne et access
Optional: IPv4 address calculato or P
Part 1: Id dentify IP
Pv4 Addre esses In Part 1, you will be giiven several examples e of IPv4 addresse es and will co omplete tabless with approp priate informatio on. S
Step 1: An nalyze the ta able shown below and identify the e network p portion and host portio on of the giv ven IPv4 addresses.
The first tw wo rows show w examples of o how the tab ble should be completed.
Key for f table:
N = all 8 bits for an n octet are in the t network portion p of the address n = a bit in the netw work portion of o the address s H = all 8 bits for an n octet are in the t host portion of the add dress h = a bit in the host portion of th he address
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Lab– Identifying IPv4 Addresses
N,n = Network
IP Address/Prefix
H,h = Host
Subnet Mask