When this play begins, Blanche is already viewed as a fallen woman in society's eyes. Her family is gone, as well as her estate and fortune. She aspires for people to see herself as gentile and a proper lady and she tries to cover up her past and drinking habits but this is done without care and they leak through. She also lives in panic of her beauty fading and wants to be seen as youthful and attractive. This is demonstrated through her fear of direct, bright light and she covers the exposed light globe in the Kowalski household with a Chinese lantern to hide her fading beauty. Blanches drinking suggests her attempts to escape reality and she becomes hysterical and unlike herself while under the influence of alcohol. One of these escapes enables her to take a flight if imagination, in this case plotting a getaway involving Shep Huntley. Blanche is a very complex character with many things to hide and who the real Blanche is hidden beneath layers of the Blanche she wants to become.
Stanley possesses an animalistic drive that is evident through out the first four scenes. Williams first introduces him into the play with him throwing a package of meat at Stella. This signifies the hunter coming back from the kill with meat but also contains sexual innuendo behind this gesture. Stanley is stating the sexual ownership he has over her, Stella catching the meat shows her return of sexual infatuation with Stanley. Stanley is usually wearing or associated with gaudy colours, linked with passion and vitality. He is a man with a love