Loan Facility Risk Management System 1. PROBLEM AND DEFINITION
Because of the global melt down and the need to sanitise the process of granting or given loans out to customers that ended becoming bad loans, there is an urgent and compelling needs for all the bank to not only make sure the loans are given out to deserving customers with legitimate business needs, the processes leading to such loan facility approval should also be seen as transparent and follow due process.
There has been a continuous innovation and improvement to better services and to be preferred to other big commercial bank. But there has always been a problem with collecting loans and advances from the commercial bank. And even when those loans are granted paying back the loan is really an issue. However, one of the reasons for writing on this study is the need to implement and design a loan facility assessment and approval process that reduces if not eliminate the rate at which loans facility turns bad.
But the application will first give an assessment to the customer before proceeding to the bank online. Customers has been complaining of the rigorous processes their loan papers usually go through before the loan finally get to their hands. So the application will seek to have only eligible customers coming to the bank with their full documents after the assessment. Once loans are applied for the credit officer will then package the loan for approval to the immediate boss who rejects or approves such. the loan package are then send to the legal unit and to the MD or designated officer for final approval
The aim of this project is to implement a Loan Facility Risk Management System that will carry out a risk assessment in financial with the overall objective of improving the efficiency in determining the credit worthiness of borrowers.
DELIVERABLES * A system that will generate Loan Facility Risk Management System. * It