Task 1
Research current legislation and local guidelines which deal with safeguarding of children and young people. Create a simple summary of the key points of each.
|Legislation/guidelines |Key points |
| |This is a set of 54 articles included in those which ensure that children are safe and looked |
| |after, article 19 states children’s rights to be protected from all forms of physical or mental|
| |violence, injury, abuse ,neglect, negligent treatment maltreatment or exploitation including |
|The United Nations Convention on the rights of the child |sexual abuse by those looking after them. Those countries which signed up to the treaty |
|(1989) |including the UK in 1991 are legally bound to implement legislation which supports each of the |
| |articles. |
| |This act identifies the responsibilities of professionals and parents who must ensure the |
|Children Act 1989 |safety of the children/child. This act includes 2 important sections which focus specifically |
| |on child protection. Section 47 states that the Local authority has a duty to investigate when |
| |there is a reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer |