In the short story "local Heroes" by Scott Westcott informs readers about how Brad Ray and his family saved the life of the owner of Kathy's Korner restaurant in a horrific car accident. Due to their brave actions, Brad and his family received certificates of heroism and recognition from the city of Fostoria and the wood country sheriff department. The story begins with Brad and his children going to pick up their mom from work. As they made a sharp turn around a curve, brad, and his children heard a loud bang and came to a horrific car accident. The driver of the black sedan was sitting on the side of the road whiles his car was in flames. He informs Brad, Gabby and Austyn about another guy in the flaming car. Brad and his children walked towards …show more content…
Matt Sterling thanks, brad, and his family for saving his life. Then, the story changed from the car scene to Brad's situation. Brad talks about how the death of his grandfather had led to the cause of his situations "He was more like a father to me, everything I knew about being a man and a good person, I'd learned from him" (Westcott). This quote is important because to Brad, his grandfather was the father figure he looked up to during his childhood. He was the one who thought Brad how to be a responsible father and it's difficult for brad to forget about him. Brad and his wife had recently been released from serving years of prison for growing marijuana. His son had been sentenced for sixteen hours of community service for punching his classmate at school. His family was disarray and seeking employment for jobs was difficult. Brad was disturbed and decided to change his reputation by showing others that he was a good man "I prayed: just give me a chance to show people I've changed…that I'm a good person". This is important to brad because he realizes that his mistakes had created a bad reputation in the society and decided to change that reputation by showing