Downloaded By: [Rauterberg, Matthias] At: 22:17 16 September 2009
Designing Internet-Based Payment Systems: Guidelines and Empirical Basis
Dennis Abrazhevich,1 Panos Markopoulos,2 and Matthias Rauterberg2
1Mobilnova 2Eindhoven
University of Technology
This article describes research into online electronic payment systems, focusing on the aspects of payment systems that are critical for their acceptance by end users. Based on our earlier research and a diary study of payments with an online payment system and with online banking systems of a reputable bank, we proposed a set of 12 interaction design guidelines. The guidelines have been applied during the implementation and redesign of a new payment system. An extensive experimental comparison of the original version of the system with the one de-
Dennis Abrazhevich is a computer scientist with interests in human–computer interaction, user experience, interaction design, and project management; he is a project manager and cofounder of Panos Markopoulos is a computer scientist doing research in intrafamily communication, ambient intelligence, and interaction design for children; he is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Design of the Eindhoven University of Technology. Matthias Rauterberg is a computer scientist and psychologist with interests in entertainment computing, responsive environments, and user modeling; he is a Full Professor and head of the Designed Intelligence research group at the Department of Industrial Design of the Eindhoven University of Technology.
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