The industry Nestle will be in is the sector of Food and Beverages, the industry that specializes in the conceptualization, the making of, and delivery of foods. This is the sector in which the major part of the revenue of Nestle is earned. This field reflects the sector in which they have the most knowledge and experience; here lies their core competence. Products sold by Nestle in this industry range from bottled water such as ‘Nestle Pure Life’ to chocolate ‘KitKat’ to frozen pizza’s ‘DiGiorno’ to healthcare nutrition such as ‘Boost’ and many more.(NESTLE MAIN SITE) Nestle main competitors are Kraft foods and Unilever, they posses rather similar characteristics and knowledge Nestle has.
The food and beverage industry has a lot of characteristics. It includes Regulation, which are the local to international rules and regulations by which firms such as Nestle can produce and sell food, including food quality and food safety. These are the institutions of this industry. In Maastricht and in general in the Netherlands guidelines on food quality and safety are given by the ‘’Nederlandse Voedsel-en Warenautoriteit’’. More characteristics are Education, Research and Development, which will be discussed more extensively later in the paper and will be done in cooperation with Maastricht University and AZM. Other characteristics are Financial Services (in combination with Abn Amro Bank), Manufacturing, Food processing, Marketing and Wholesale and Distribution. Nestle does not do all this by it self thereby saying that this industry is a network between organizations in the same region. Elaboration in these issues will follow later.(WIKIPEDIA)
Knowledge in this industry is characterized mainly by generic knowledge due to the expansion of IT, which affects the knowledge build-up and value creation. The manufacturing knowledge of Nestle and other companies in this industry becomes increasingly embodied in expert systems. The majority of firms