Locating Scholarly Articles Assignment
The words have Changed
Thesis: This article dispels the stereotype that gangster rap music is misogynistic through an analysis of lyrics that shows respect for women.
Feminizing and Juvenilizing Poverty
Thesis: This article demonstrates that women and children are the poorest demongraphic in the US, but that the risks of poverty decreased between 1950 and 1980, particularly in comparison with Canadians.
Boundary of Religious ID
Thesis: This article reviews how Native American religions have been systematically supported by U.S. federal law, despite scholar’s push for the opposite.
Interwovened Life
Thesis: This article demonstrates that parent’s role in Chinese marriage customs have stayed the same since time immemorial.
Matriliny Motives
Thesis: This article is about how patrilineal rebels forced matrilineal Congolese into refugee camps during the Fifth Congo War.
Between Stewardship and Sacrificial Agency
Thesis: This article discusses Christian economic agencies that require clients to follow strict moral codes in order to earn interest on their accounts.
Archived Sorrow
Thesis: This article argues that visiting archives can be an traumatic experience for those involved with stealing Australian children in the past.
Child Rearing Orientations in Mexican Families
Thesis: This study demonstrates that Mexican family’s in America raise their children similar to those raised in Mexico, especially those who are second and third generation removed from their homeland.
Monster Inside
Thesis: The author shows how the producers of the television show Startrek changed American view of mulattos, but otherwise tried to reify racial stereotypes by typecasting