It's almost as if many business practitioners, including the direct marketers, the internet marketers and so forth do not see the part physical geographical location has to play in their business strategy. However, before we continue, we have seen many great utilizations of spatial information, so it's not all bad, but we do believe that through the understanding of the utility of location and the application of a few simple concepts we could see noticeable improvement in performance across a wide variety of …show more content…
Using the methodologies developed to predict character of an area, behavioral predictions can be made to peer into the future likelihood of an area to behave in a certain way. Central to this calculation is the location in question and the characteristics of this location. Behavioral predictions and understanding of character of locations have been extensively utilized by location specialists for store placement and real estate development. Point 3 below is very closely linked to this concept, but due to the nature of the market and world in which we live in today it warranted a more detailed