4). In the state of nature, one does not have to obey others, but one is a judge of oneself of what the law of nature requires. Locke furthermore argues that God gave the world to men in common, however it is not supposed to remain common and uncultivated (par. 34). The reason that it should not remain common and uncultivated because God gave it “to people for their benefit, and the greatest conveniences of life they were capable to draw from it” (par. 34). Locke then claims that with the labor of his body, and with the works of his hand, whatsoever then he removes out of the state that nature has provided. Therefore, “he has mixed his labor with and joined to it something that is his own, and thereby makes it his property” (par. 26). Although God gave the world in common, people will draw benefit from these grounds with their labor and makes it their property, thus …show more content…
In order to use the land, settlers established plantations and husbandry took place. The settlers in North America were free to do what they would want to do in the state of nature they currently are. However, the settlers did not remain in the state of nature. According to Locke, all men will remain in the state of nature, until “they make themselves members of some politic society” (par 15). Locke argues that if the state of nature is so free, why then will men part with this freedom (par 123). Locke mentions three reasons why men will become a member of a politic society. Firstly, men will put themselves under government for the preservations of their property which can be defined as a general name for lives, liberties and estates (par. 123). Moreover, for the preservation of property, an established, settled and known law is formed to be the standard of right and wrong (par. 124). Secondly, one wants a known and indifferent judge with the authority to determine all differences according to established law. And thirdly, men want power to back and support the sentence when right, and to give it execution (par. 125). John Winthrop’s journal also provides a theory of why people would want to form a government. He argues that there are two types of liberties; natural and civil or federal. In natural liberty, one has to