Human rights are a basic tenant of the autocratic regime, but equality is also a concern. Equality is to be understood as Dworkin affirms
“that people be made equal, so far as this [compensation] is possible, in their opportunity to insure or provide against bad luck before it has occurred, or, if that is not …show more content…
As outlined a “true autocrat” is beyond biased desires, for he has surpassed his ego and has only the common good as his won interest. “The moral agent can sincerely wish to interpret and enforce the law of nature, but has no way of limiting the influence of particularist biases in his interpretation of the law” (Young, 2004). His biases are not limited, instead they have reach the extreme in which human society is is core concern; in this he servers as a tool for society and not as a selfish being who would be fallible like others who have come to power. The moral agent has no way of checking his error or becoming aware of it, to which I respond that the agent in question has reached beyond error, in that his prowess has enabled him to calculate infallibly the exact steps necessary so as to see to humanities betterment; in that the goal of the autocrat is for human society to be well off and establish it’s intended nature. Here it should be noted that the future beyond a just distribution of resources is that evolution in which all beings forgo their …show more content…
For example, agencies that are used to over see resources would be subject to votes or appointments and be a branch of government separate form the military branch. Both the political branch and military branches’ hierarchy are subject to votes consisting of the entire population or the states themselves. The system of autocracy not only has the power to relocate resources but gives powers of voting to the states so as to ensure that unbiased decisions are actually being met. Both resources and wealth, though not appropriated entirely, can be appointed in such ways the autocratic regime sees fit; while promising that the assets taken will be returned in time with interest. Property in it self is a right to be had, but the regime in its powers is able to appropriate it provided they justly compensate those from who it was taken. To ensure these rights are being met the voting of stations would contribute to the masses understanding of fairness inside the