What are the two types of locus of control? The two types of locus of control are Internal and External. A person who has an internal locus of control believes that their rewards in life are guided by their own decisions and efforts. If they do not succeed at something, they believe it is due to their own lack of effort. A person who has an external locus of control believes that rewards or outcomes in life are determined by "luck, chance, or powerful others". if they do not succeed at something they believe that …show more content…
Keeping an agenda or planner is an easy way to make sure you never miss an assignment or commitment. Whether you’re writing in a physical agenda, making notes in your phone, or writing memos on a piece of paper, writing down everything you have to do keeps you organized and allows you to visualize your workload. In order to combat this, you should keep a few light snacks in your backpack or pockets to munch on throughout the day. If you snack periodically, you’ll keep your body energized so that you can be focused and attentive in class. Using cell phones in the classroom is not conducive to effective learning. If you are on your phone during class, chances are you aren’t paying attention to what the teacher is saying, and you might be missing some key information. Moreover, whatever you are doing on your phone is likely to grab the attention of your classmates around you, distracting them from the class material as well. One thing many students tend to tell themselves is that they don’t need to write something down because they’ll remember it. Unfortunately, student’s minds are not always as good at remembering details as they think they are. Even if you’re completely confident in your ability to remember the material presented in class, you should still take notes. The instructions on any assignment are there to help you. Oftentimes, they can clarify things and make assignments easier. Thus, it is worth taking those few extra minutes to read the directions every time before you proceed with an