Imagine yourself in a heated debate at work regarding implementation decisions for a new corporate procedure that will affect thousands of employees. Or maybe you’re talking to friends watching your favorite football team playing, and a conversation …show more content…
Without proper reasoning, decisions based on others propaganda are only as strong as their trust and logic-therefore you’re taking their word for it and taking the stance they are campaigning …show more content…
In the news, you might read the article “The Great Deflation” and learn that experts say “the United States’ reputation is falling.” Whether you reside on the left, right or are not political at all, when reading political news, always know the source. Sources of news are known for pushing a slant; rest assure these sources have a war chest at their disposal to spin a story how they will, imposing tactics like limited sourcing. Or maybe you’ve seen the Ford truck commercial stating “… it just doesn’t raise the bar pal, it is the bar.” This an all too common fallacy used in ads. Here Ford is using ad populum to appeal the audience by saying they are the best and everyone else is compared to them, therefore you should just buy the best.
Global warming has been a hot topic in the news for a couple decades now. Does it exist? We receive all kinds of news to slant your opinion one way or the other. In the NBC news online article “Big snowfall, a cooler ocean and, yet, more signs of global warming” the author tries to denounce many of the facts that others use to downplay global warming via an appeal to ignorance. Here again, no matter where you reside in belief, it is quintessential you ground your logic when making arguments to sway your audience's