Logistics Operations/Techniques
Name : SHAO HONGYI Id : u1069593 Data:02/12/2012
content Introduction 3 Background 3 Importance of logistic and supply Chain 4 Importance of cost 4 Importance of logistics customer service 4 Analysis of structure planning 5 The relationship among four factors 5 Analysis of inventory 6 Logistics models 6 The Allocation Models 6 Allocation Models of product mix problem 6 The staff issue management and Staff-Scheduling problem 7 The Network model and the network model of transportation model 7 The network model of two stage transportation model 8 The network model of Distribution Centre Location 8 The network model of set covering model 8 Advertising Model 8 Using the model to solve the problem 9 Distribution Centre location 9 Covering set model 10 The problem of two stage transportation model 12 The staff scheduling problem 14 The problem of Advertising Model 15 Conclusion 17 Reference List 18 Appendix 19
In this report firstly the logistic issues and customer service issues would be talked Secondly, some of the problem which the Argos Company faced would be enumerate and the correct ways will be find to solve them. Finally, the report will use some professional knowledge of logistics and supply chain to analyse them. It will establish some logistic models like the transportation model and the Staff-Scheduling model.
Finally, this report will enumerate some models which links the case and a explanation would be given.
Argos is the largest non-food retailer in the UK with annual sales close to £4.3bln. The company sells a wide range of home, electrical, garden and DIY products through its catalogue, website and over 700 shops in the UK and Ireland.
Face with significant growth, Argos wanted to increase product availability and reduce costs. Argos was dealing