Research Methodology
Objective of the Study
To compare the effectiveness of logistics management at Wilson Logistics and to bench mark the organization with respect to the industry.
To have a thorough understanding of how logistics and freight industries work
Research Problem:
The need for the study was to assess the use of e-commerce to support of business strategic in Wilson Logistics, compared with other organization in the same industry. The organization also needs relevant data as to how it can improve its management policies in order to gain future market share.
Research Methodology:
The type of research is analytical. Data regarding the division of logistics management such as Freight, Warehousing, Crossdocking, Network Design etc. in which Wilson Logistics are at present in business were collected from other similar firms in the industry. The indicators selected are ease of service, client handling, customer service, information tracking, employee efficiency in general. Other indicators for the freight and warehouse divisions are lead-time, inventory management, product availability; time elapsed in transit, operating cost and customer satisfaction. The collected data was analyzed and performance of Wilson Logistics was evaluated. As to my study we believe we have selected the right mix of techniques for the comprehensive approach, which can be suited well for the organization.
Method of Data Collection:
Primary Data: The major tool used was interview with strategic manager and staff of the branch office, questionnaire was developed to focus on various aspect.
The data collection for the study had been divided by two methods, One is the collection of primary data through questionnaire. The secondary data were composed through the interviews with the strategic manager and different departments of employees.
Logistics Industry
Logistics is the management of the flow of goods, other