July to October 2013
UNIVERSITY OF KWA-ZULU NATAL FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, IT & GOVERNANCE (MIG) LOGISTICS AND PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION SCMA306 COURSE OUTLINE 2013 This document contains important information. Please read it carefully and retain it throughout the semester.
1. Introduction Welcome to the field of Logistics and Physical Distribution - it includes the functions of planning, organising, motivating and controlling the flow of purchased materials, products and services, information and funds into and out of the organisation.
2. Purpose of the Module The purpose of the module is to provide students with an understanding and knowledge of Supply Chain Management in manufacturing and service industries with specific reference to physical distribution and transportation as well as their impact on customer service and other selected topics.
SCMA306 Logistics and Physical Distribution – Mrs. JR. Gurayah
July to October 2013
3. Module Content The role of logistics in manufacturing and service operations, logistics strategies, transport, warehousing, packaging, customer service, reverse logistics, logistics performance and other selected topics.
4. Prescribed Textbook Pienaar, W.J. and Vogt, J.J. 2012. Business Logistics Management: A Supply Chain Perspective. 4 th Edition: Oxford University Press.
5. Highly Recommended Textbooks 1. Stock, J.R. and Lambert, D.M. 2001. Strategic Logistics Management. 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill. 2. Bowersox, D.J., Closs, D.J. and Cooper, M.B. 2010. Supply Chain Logistics Management. 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill.
6. Administrative and Academic Staff NAME ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Setjhaba Mokeki OFFICE 2nd Floor of M Block Professional Services Division LECTURER Mrs. JR Gurayah M1-112 (031) 2608713 gurayahj@ukzn.ac.za TELEPHONE /EMAIL (031) 2608143 Mokekis@ukzn.ac.za
SCMA306 Logistics and Physical Distribution – Mrs. JR.