Corporate Strategy
Unilever’s ice cream brand Portfolio
Students: Maria Inês Galhardo, nº 150106011 Claudia Filipe, nº 150106026 Ricardo Lloret, nº 150106111 Joana Rodrigues dos Santos, nº 150106123 Diogo Sousa, nº 150106125
In order to draw the BCG matrix, we started by collecting some data. Based on the Datamonitor Market Report 2006 (appendix 1), we were able to calculate the total ice cream’s market value of 2008. We made the choice to do the work for the year 2008 because the present year has not already ended. Thus it was only possible to calculate estimated values for 2008. Market value: (212.8-161)/4 = 12.95 million per year 161 + (12.95*2) = 186.9 million in 2008 With the objective of studying Unilever’s principal products, we had to take into account Nestlé (Unilever’s biggest competitor). We chose one equal competitor for each group of ice creams we thought were more important (appendix 2). Among all ice creams of Unilever, we focused on the ones that had a direct competitor in Nestlé. This is why we did not choose Carte D’or or Solero, we thought that its competitors were not as obvious as the others. We assumed then that the market shares from Unilever and Nestlé were the same as in 2006 (appendix 3). These values will enable us to estimate market values for each company and afterwards to calculate market shares and values for each product. We determined the division of the market in four segments: Super premium, Premium, Regular and Economy. The segments were chosen according to a price/quality ratio for each product we took into account (Appendix 4). The different market shares for each segment were estimated assuming that the super premium products would be a market niche with a small part of the market; the premium would be the most part and regular and economy would have similar market shares but smaller. Then, we estimated also proportions for the different