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The Pollution and Privatization of Water - The Pollution and Privatization of Water Water is our most precious resource, something every human being needs to survive. Yet today over 1.2 billion people a day on average do not have access to this necessity. Even if they might have this access, the chances are good that the water is polluted with many contaminants. In the future, we will probably find that clean water will go to the highest bidder, and even more people will find themselves without easy access to clean water. Pollution of the world 's water resources began to take a scary turn as industrialization took hold on the European continent.... [tags: Water Environment Ecology Essays] 999 words
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A Plan for Reducing Water Pollution - A Plan for Reducing Water Pollution "Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children." Kenyan proverb. Solutions are like people, each one is complex as well as different. Most every part time environmentalist can have a solution to any environmental problem that ails this planet. That is not to say that they are always right. Conversely, they are not always wrong either. Having the solution is the first part, making the solution a reality is the second.... [tags: Environment Environmental Pollution Preservation]
Cited: 1911 words (5.5 pages) $29.95 [preview] Environment, Pollution and the Living Water - The Living Water Water, a substance that is so often taken for granted yet is such an intricate part of our very existence. In the essay, Becoming Water, by Susan Zwinger, we are asked to make ourselves one with the waves. But why. How can a substance that has no taste or color be so important to life. Like the bonds people form with each other, water has bonds to all aspects of life. "Let them know in their viens that you both are connected everywhere." (Zwinger, 243). These bonds are constantly being broken by our irresponsible actions.... [tags: Environment Environmental Pollution Preservation] 920 words (2.6 pages) FREE Essays [view] Water Pollution - ... “More than 3.5 million people die each year from water-related disease; 84 percent are children. Nearly all deaths, 98 percent, occur in the developing world” (Water, 2011, p.1). There are many waterborne diseases that contribute to poor health conditions. For example, “Diarrhoeal disease alone amounts to an estimated 4.1 % of the total DALY global burden of disease and is responsible for the d