The world to him is the Virginian cruise where he lives. For Nineteen Hundred, the music is used to entertain himself, because he only plays for himself, and never allows him to separate with his music. However, does Nineteen Hundred lock himself in the narrow space, or do I let the land shackles myself? With thousands of streets in the city, I am lost. I cannot see the end of the sky, but the broad sea cherishes the existence of Nineteen Hundred. Moreover, the vastness of the sea shows him the end of the world. Nineteen Hundred’s life is innocent, since he has never set his feet in the real world. His pureness does not allow him to live in the real world. The best place for him is the Virginian cruise, a utopia floating in the sea. A place where naive musicians like Nineteen Hundred can inhabit. He cannot and should not come into the reality, because the real world is too filthy and complex to Nineteen Hundred. I live in the world outside, and clearly see its chaos, however, when I experience warmth with incomparable glory in a moment, I am willing to endure the …show more content…
I have nowhere to put my loneliness in the world. Nineteen Hundred is lonely, therefore he chooses not to leave the cruise for his lifetime. He has inexhaustible inspirations of music, and creates beautiful notes. He himself is not lonely. Without talents to be maverick, and approval from the world, I am lonely. I realize I am humbling to myself, and I am tinny part of the world as dust. I am lonely, but I do not have place to put my loneliness. However, what about me? Without talents to be maverick, and approval from the world, I am lonely. In addition, I do not have a city that belongs to me, where I could put my loneliness, and escape from the reality. I realize I am humbling to myself, and I am a tinny part of the world as dust. Therefore, I am lonelier and more pitiful than Nineteen