Mr. Waugh
July 4, 2013
Whoever Defines Loneliness
Describing loneliness is a difficult process; it is a complex emotional phenomenon which cannot be simply defined. Though, one thing is certain: humans feel compelled to belong, feeling sad when isolated and happy when belonged. It almost seems as though groups of individuals make up perfection while an individual alone translates into loneliness.
To Be the Brightest
At night, I was staring at the window,
While childishly hugging my pillow,
Letting my time to flow.
Has it been long ago,
Alone in my room, I looked at the stars.
The brightest one, shone as if it wasn't far.
Yellow and bright it was, it was a lot brighter
Than any other stars, but not looking better,
Its single light, surely the brightest,
Yet never was, per se the greatest.
Imperfection, that was. This lonely star shone only a small part.
But others, less brighter stars together made the night a piece of art.
- Sung Woo Hwang
Poems give different opinions and ideas about what it means to be lonely, while the complexity of human nature does not easily let the solution available to foolish human beings. Some poems associated with this theme focus on these natural feelings and they attempt to find the true meaning of loneliness. For this modest reason, my interest in the poems related to loneliness has been especially large, and through reading numerous poems I could arrive to an understanding that loneliness translates to however we desire to make sense of its meaning. Perhaps human beings meant to belong together, but- only God knows- this may be our fatal flaw or our simple belief in the reality of sophisticated human nature.
Lonely is just one word
Lonely is just one word chosen to represent so much
To tell of feelings inside that the sense cannot touch
Lonely can be in the teardrops on a bereaved person’s cheek
Lonely can be in the silence of sorrows too deep to speak
Lonely can haunt