This realization subtle influence on his urges the public to no longer hide behind the comfort of the known. In order to advance individually and as a society, we must be welcoming to the unknown, though equally as critical of it as the past. The reason to Steinbeck’s drive to urge the acceptance of change is the same reason why Martin Luther King Jr. lead the Civil Rights Movement, or why our founding fathers fought a war they knew they had a small chance of winning but went to war anyhow. Steinbeck was determined to ensure the changes of his time would be accepted, so that America’s children could reap their benefits and have a better life than what their parents
This realization subtle influence on his urges the public to no longer hide behind the comfort of the known. In order to advance individually and as a society, we must be welcoming to the unknown, though equally as critical of it as the past. The reason to Steinbeck’s drive to urge the acceptance of change is the same reason why Martin Luther King Jr. lead the Civil Rights Movement, or why our founding fathers fought a war they knew they had a small chance of winning but went to war anyhow. Steinbeck was determined to ensure the changes of his time would be accepted, so that America’s children could reap their benefits and have a better life than what their parents