Q.1 How would you describe the behavior of the maharaja’s minions towards him? Do you find them truly sincere towards him or are they driven by fear when they obey him? Do we find a similarity in today’s political order?
Ans: as it happens everywhere the behavior of the maharaja’s minions towards him is driven by fear. They only aim is to keep the maharaja in good humor first comes the chief astrologer he is scared to speak the truth. He bits his lips and swallows hard .he must be very careful with the 100 tiger. He declares to tear up all his books on astrology and set fire to them. If proved wrong. The behavior of the dewan offers an interesting study. The king has decided to get married and summons the dewan for deliberations. The dewan follows his orders and finds the right girl. The dewan some times acts wisely he arranges a tiger for the maharaja’s shooting. The behavior of the shop keeper is a strange blending of flattery and winnings. The wooden tiger costs only two annas. He charges there 100 rupees for a price of just two annas. There is surely a similarity in today‘s political order. We see the politicians lie flat before their seniors to flatter them.
Que.2 The story is a satire on the conceit of those in power?
Ans. The story the tiger king is based only on the theme of power and its victims where the tiger king is a powerful ruler and innocent animals like tigers are victims. The story discloses with the death cause of the tiger king which as declare by the states astrologer is named none else but a tiger. The tiger king vowed to kill the tigers and was successful enough. But as the story progresses it is found that the 100th tiger would be the death of the king. The king set out on a tiger hunting spree. He was able to kill 99 tigers successfully. The 100th tiger managed by Dewan himself from his house, a circus tiger was not killed successfully by the king. He