Which took months or years to resolve slightly, another physical effect with psychological ramifications was the phenomenon known as “black rain”. The next morning as the sky filled with storm clouds the rain fell as a dark, oily, seemingly clotting liquid. It stained not only building but also people. Among the long-term effects suffered by atomic bomb survivors, the most deadly was leukemia. An increase in leukemia appeared about two years after the attacks and peaked around four to six years later. One of the most immediate concerns after the attacks regarding the future of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki was what health effects the radiation would have on the children of survivors.3) conceived after the bombings. So far, no radiation-related excess of disease has been seen in the children of …show more content…
They are recommending it as the best way to prevent radiation-related illnesses. For food and water safety is to rinse off everything, the food in the refrigerator or freezer should be safe to eat. For water it would be best to drink bottled water it is the only thing really protected from radiation. My feeling on radiation now after taking this class is that it can cause harm and help at the same time. We use some form of radiation in our everyday life. If I was to fall down today and hurt my foot I would have go to the hospital. They would have an x-ray done so they can know if it’s a broken foot or just a bad sprained