The human brain is connected with three major components the cerebrum cerebellum and the brainstem.The brainstem controls breathing ,digestion, …show more content…
you can also forget something that was in your memory bank overtime you can slowly forget.Long term memory also involves neurons (nerve cells)of physical changes in the structure of neurons, this then becomes Long term memory potentiation. (6 Research-Tested Ways to Improve Your Memory. (2014, March 18). Retrieved October 31, 2015). (Moving your eyes improves memory, MMU study suggests. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2015. …show more content…
In my opinion The Five Senses are the most effective i personally have used this and it has helped me in so many ways.Id say out of the five senses ,hearing is the best ,why because if you hear something over and over and your paying close attention you will soon have that voice repeating that information you need over and over and when you need it all you need to do is remmeber that voice to repeats itself one more time when you need