Teaching For Exceptionalities
Sandra Brickey
Ashley Barkel
If you are a parent or, going to become a parent; you will have concerns about your child 's development. Whether you are worried about your child 's use of learning, relating to others, and any other developmental issues. Parents know their children best. They are in the best position to observe and be able to report how their child 's doing through their life at an early age.
Diagnosis of Developmental Disabilities Parent 's can tell when they are something different about their children faster then anyone else. Parent 's worrying about things like that so, they call their physician would have the parent 's to monitor the child for several days. When the physician diagnosis the child of developmental disabilities. The physician will focus on the social, emotional, and communication milestones that might be required an instant evaluation. Some cases, may not be nothing but, others maybe more of a significant developmental disorder. Parent 's will have a hard time coping with this kind of news about their child. There are many resources that are available to parents to help them through the issues and concerns they may have about their child with developmental disabilities.
Early Intervention Priorities Once, the team has agreed on the most important child behaviors and the intervention plan 's as well as, the components, it will determine the plan 's effectiveness (Bell & Gilkey, 2004, pg. 137). The team is made up from the administrators, teachers, and parents. They will become a very close team while the child is in school. The main priority, is the teams responsibilities to make sure the intervention plan is carefully planned out. The most important collaboration are during the intervention development. The Early Intervention focuses on five main priorities when
References: Arizona Department of Education, Expectational Student Services, Parent Information Network. (2005). Information Sheet: Preschool delays: Moderate, Servre, and Speech/Language. Phoenix, Az: Author. Bell, H.S., & Gilkey, M.C. (2004). Challenging Behaviors in early childhood setting creating a place for all children. Evaluating and Revising Intervention Plans, 8, 137 – 148. Blessing, Michelle. (2013). What Are the Priorities for Early Intervention? Ehow.(www.ehow.com/info_8317862_priorities-early-intervention.html) Meisels, Samuel. “Charting the Continuum of Assessment and Intervention,” New Visions for the Developmental Assessment of Infant and Young Child. Washington D.C.: Zero to Three (1996), pp. 38 -39. (2001). First Signs, Inc. (www.firstsigns.org) (2010). Ldonline. Transition: School to Work. (www.ldonline.org)