Melissa Duffy’s essay titled, “Inspiration” is an excellent example of how an individual’s attitude toward a certain subject, in this case, writing, influences the way the preform. As I read, it dawned on me that the approach our teacher take in teaching us have an immense impact on our attitude towards it. Duffy tells her story of “Inspiration” in a periodical format to lay out the moments in time that shaped her as a writer.…
When a person begins writing they have many obstacles that they must overcome. Some face issues with creating well-written sentences, writing thesis sentences and others face issues with expanding their vocabulary. It can be difficult to do and takes a great deal of practice and patience. A student, Amanda Grumke, faced these same obstacles as she began writing. At the beginning of her English Composition 1 class, her writing landed at a very low level. After a semester of practice, she has made improvements. Amanda has improved her sentence structures, transitional words, and improved points of view.…
1). Sullivan discusses the topic of preparing for college and aims his discussion towards high school freshman and college students. The students he has found prepared enough for college had no difficulty reading materials of multiple ranges and subjects since they “loved to read” (pp. 1). Furthermore, students that are prepared know that exemplary writing takes exemplary effort, and they come willing to comprehend, study, converse, and evaluate their written works. Additionally, listening and thinking influences the different ideas that we can develop; this can affect our self-development and mental capabilities, which can increase opportunities for further engagement.…
Imagine the impact technological innovations have had on society? How much did technology influence society a decade ago, and how much does it influence society now? Technology was created from humans to become a more efficient specie. Although technology has advanced society with respect to technology and efficiency, it has also created problems not previously seen because of the use of technology. Edward Tenner, a writer and technology consultant, wrote an article titled “Another Look Back, and a Look Ahead” published in 1996. In his article Tenner argues, through the use of the rhetorical appeal ethos, compare and contrast, and cause and effect, that society is advancing at an alarming rate and suggests a “retreating from intensity” (Tenner 78) in order to allow society to slow its progression and accustom itself to new technology.…
This class has taught me many things about myself along with many necessary skills needed while writing. I know now that, through hard work and determination, I can achieve what I might think to be impossible. While reflecting back on my initial writing abilities, I see the weak, uneducated style of writing. Each essay shows my progression and improvement, and, after a while, the class began to become much easier. Today, after practicing throughout my essays this semester, I believe that I, in fact, have…
In the past a thousand weeks, I feel like I have accomplished a great deal. As the quarter ends, I find myself reflecting not only how I have survived my fifth quarter but also what I have learned. The most important thing I have learned so far is how to become a better writer. I did not think it could really happen to me. I did not think I could handle all the work. I did not think I could actually become a better writer. Somehow, after all the hours of writing, and putting effort into my papers that I wrote in this quarter, I became a better writer. I did this because I concentrated on two very important areas. With help from an awesome teacher and my partner, I have become a better writer by improving my skills in the areas of procrastination and content.…
Improving my ability to become a great writer and write grade-A college papers is an important goal I hope to achieve by taking this class. My personal goals overall for this class is to gain the necessary elements and principles of writing, in order to further help my skills as a writer so it may lead to future success. As a writer my skills have improved over the years in things like grammar, thesis statements, outlines and critical thinking. Overall my skills in writing have greatly improved over the years, even though some may still require improvement. By completing this class over the summer, I look forward in reducing my weaknesses as a writer writer’s block and etc., in order to become a more significant and effective writer. Improving my writing skills has numerous benefits whether in college or things like vocabulary, keeping track of daily events, or even writing a journal of all the events taking place…
During my first semester as a college freshman I have grown a lot not only as a student, but also as a person. At first I thought of myself as a good writer, but throughout the semester I learned that I had a lot of improvements to make in my writing. Already I have made a lot of progress and will continue to improve throughout the rest of the year in core.…
Every day is a new beginning for more creativity and learning opportunities for everything and anything. It’s in all of us and it may take a prolonged journey to find it. For many including myself, it took going through a hardship in life to realise what type of writing style I enjoyed. Even figuring out that I actually liked writing outside of school. This style was discovered through creating a few journals. I had transferred those journal like entries into classroom assignments that were due.…
Presently, I find myself enjoying setting down on my free time to write. The frustration and fear I had once thought of writing have gone away. At last, I can enjoy the process of writing, coming up with my own ideas and concepts to express my thoughts. Brainstorming, free writing, Star bursting is some of the techniques that have helped me to generate ideas to write papers. These techniques can help me make good argumentative papers for readers, write descriptive papers, narrative, and illustration papers. With this class I have learned how much, I love to write. I have made it a point to communicate my thought and believe through my writing. This English course helped built up my confidences in my own writing for that I am high appreciative of my instructor.…
Over the course of the past three months, I have had the distinct pleasure of testing my writing capabilities through the Introduction to College Writing course. I have always had a passion for writing in all forms, but in previous years, the course work in grade-level English classes have been unchallenging of my writing ability. I have been heavily involved in Bonneville High School’s newspaper through journalism since my freshman year. This allowed me to strengthen my writing capability as I was drafting throughout the entire school year. I have never truly had to apply myself until I enrolled in English 101. Since the beginning of the class, I have faced various hardships while writing essays in unfamiliar styles, such as drafting a response to a scholarly article and synthesizing opposing perspectives. I have learned that I am more than capable in writing in different styles and that all of my work will be quality content regardless of the topic. I overcame the obstacles that have challenged me, and my essays exhibit that I am fully prepared to continue my work in English 102.…
My writing process has evolved since the beginning of the year. Looking back at my previous essays and writing assignments over the course of the semester, I can distinctively see a gradual improvement through the different pieces of writing. Even though the differences from my early works at the beginning of the semester might not be drastic, the small improvements are what positively impacted my writing style. From the beginning of class until now, I have discovered new strengths and weaknesses, redefined my writing process, and corrected mistakes from the essays along the way.…
I am a college student that is taking English 28 which is a valuable time to learn what the rest of my college career is going to be like as far as writing is concerned. During this class I will learn the invaluable writing process of how to express ideas using various writing styles and be expected to work hard be on time, turn in assignments on time and put forth effort from the very beginning.…
Writing in journals for class or writing stories for entertainment proved to be great fun. The writing level of elementary and middle school was easy to learn and work with. Arriving in high school, I felt confident in my writing skills. High school level writing proved to be more challenging. After English I, I felt unprepared for the rest of my high school writing experience. I grew to become uninterested in writing for the next two years. I procrastinated finishing any writing assignment I was given. Though I received decent grades on my assignments, I could have received better grades had I not procrastinated writing my assignments. My attitude toward writing has changed from disinterested to excited with my Composition I and II classes. I have learned much in the first semester of this course and I have grown to enjoy writing again because of this…
Throughout my writing career, I have observed several aspects with the potential to shape any writer’s success. Among the elements, the most influential of them is the English course in which the student enrolls. Moreover, English courses hold influence over a student’s life in that they have a responsibility to either advance or reduce the writer’s skills. The progress in my writing development began when English II guided me through noticing worth in my writing, finding pride in a strength, and appreciating positive aspects of the course.…