In Golding's book, this supports the idea that man is inherently evil "she was black and pink: and the great bladder of her belly was fringed with a row of piglets. They kill a mother saw for a feast to recruit new members into the tribe" (William Golding page 134). The boys killed the mother sow to recruit boys when they could have just eaten berries or at least a pig without babies. In the book lord of the flies William Golding showed how children no older than 12 years old and no younger than 6 years old acted when left alone for to long on an island. At first, the boys tried to have rules and regulations for all the boys to follow, but after a while, it became chaos on the Island. The boys started to kill each other and did whatever they wanted whenever they wanted.
You cannot say that man is inherently evil because when a human being is just born all it could do is cry, and excrete the wastes in its body. The human cannot do anything when it is just born a human learns everything except for instinctive actions which it cannot learn. The human is not born evil if you look at it that way. But when the baby gets older than three the baby might start wanting to do evil actions; the baby may have an attraction