Simon is showed to be Wise in many situations. The first time he truly showed wisdom was when he stated who he thinks the beast really is. He says “Maybe… Maybe there is a beast.” {pg 89} This shows the beginning of his wisdom knowing that something is up and not quite right. Then later during the same meeting he has more to say. He asks them, “what's the dirtiest thing on this island?” {pg 91} At first the boys are confused, but Simon is implying that they are the beast. They are causing nothing but mayhem and pandemonium. Simon thinks that its all in their head and they're the real problem here.
Simon is resembled like Christ in the fact he went out to help and then ended up dying helping the others. Simon goes out to try to ‘find the beast.’ he finds the parachuter and wants to go tell the group that he thinks he's the beast. “The beast is harmless and horrible …show more content…
When Simon talks to the pig he says his name is “The Lord of The Flies” which refers to Beelzebub, another name for the devil. “The lord of the flies hung on a stick” {pg 141} This refers mainly to Luke 4 in the Bible. When Jesus is in the desert tempted by Lucifer. It's a parallel between the lord of the flies and lucifer. Then the lord of the flies tells him more. He says “Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! . . . You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you?” Which is showing he is like a prophet getting intel and information. Although he isn't getting information from “God” it's still