In the book Lord of the Flies Simon has changed from being a sensible, skittish, weak boy to a distorted, brave, helpful boy. In the begging of the book Simon is introduced as the weak boy who isn’t strong enough to hold up his own weight. After Ralph blows the conch for the very first time a new group of boys arrives called the Choir this is were Simon faints Merridew the Choir leader says, “he always throwing a faint”(20), Merridew is talking about Simon. Another time when Simon comes off being weak and afraid is when he admits to believing in a beast and says, “maybe, maybe there is a beast”(88). Although Simon is weak and afraid he is very sensible and is able to keep a sense of hope Simon tells Ralph that, “you’ll get back to where you came from”(111). Another sensible thing that Simon said was how the beast is in every one although this seemed weird at the time as the book went on Simons theory became more true almost everyone resorted into being a beast who murdered people.…
At the beginning of Lord of the Flies Ralph and Jack are competing for the role of leader. They go about this in very different ways like how Ralph tries to convince them about what needs to get done and how they should be doing things. While on the other hand Jack tries to gain the affections of the group by letting them do whatever they want whenever, and giving the meaty nutrition (69). Ralph has a lot of good leadership qualities like being able to take input from teammates like Piggy, and how he focuses on the immediate problem at hand (42). Jack has good leadership qualities as well like how he is willing to let them have fun, and how he organizes the hunts (51). Thought they both have admirable leadership qualities I believe the better leader of the two is Ralph.…
Throughout the book, examples of Ralph’s common sense characteristic appear. He thinks through decisions logically and completely, keeping the well-being of the entire group in mind. Keeping the fire lit remains a recurring issue on the island. Ralph understands the essential nature of the fire for building signal fires to alerting distant ships that may pass by to their location on the island, a concept not fully appreciated by fellow islanders, specifically Jack and his hunting posse. If other boys embraced the same level of common sense and rational thinking as Ralph, their rescue may have been expedited without reaching the point of the coup d’etat led by Jack against Ralph near the end of the book. Further evidence of Ralph’s common sense…
On the island, change wasn’t always a healthy thing. Ralph and Jack had changed drastically, from being civilized to being barbaric. Ralph seeks to institute a democratic society, and there was a fear on the island that drove everyone insane, which lead to disorganization. " Another thing we ought to have more rules.…
Ralph reacts with an unexpected level-headedness when a boar comes charging down the path: ?Ralph found he was able to measure the distance coldly and take aim. With the boar only five yards away, he flung the foolish wooden stick that he carried, saw it hit the great snout and hang there for a moment? (123). This event suggests that Ralph may possess hunting skills that rival Jack?s, as such, it seems that Jack will attempt to show up Ralph in some other way.…
In the book, Lord of the Flies by: William Golding Ralph shows the most leadership throughout the novel. Ralph is the leader because he is direct and knows his priorities. He knows what is best for the group. Ralph always makes the best decisions and plans throughout the book. That is why he is the leader in this novel.…
He was a unique child who believed that both good and evil resided within each person. Through the story Simon acted as the Christ figure. Simon was epileptic and had E.S.P. Simon foresaw the fate of Ralph and his own. ?You?ll get back all right. I think so, anyway.? (Page 121). Simon viewed his fate and witnessed the killing of the sow. Prior to one of his seizure?s he saw his death. The Lord of the Flies spoke to him and said, ??we shall do you. See? Jack and Roger and Maurice and Robert and Bill and Piggy and Ralph?? (Page 159). Shortly before his death he came to the realization that the beast was not a creature but something that was within Jack and the hunters. He believed that he should tell the truth despite the consequences. In turn he was sacrificed for the continuation for the evil on the…
A positive and well-rounded boy is the type that was portrayed to the reader when talking about Ralph. The so-called “beast”, brings many inconvenient conversations and thoughts in the boys’ minds. The littluns are a main source of this problem, spreading rumors about things they haven’t actually seen. This big confusion is even too much for ralph to handle and is the reason Simon ends up being killed. That well-rounded boy changed into a careless savage and it costs Simon his life. Ralph being one of the only characters to remain as civil as possible for the longest time ends up turning for the worst and losing his innocence. Ralph pushes for the caring of the groups overall rescue but many people start to forget to care. The darkness and savagery that is starting to form in Ralph can be seen by Piggy’s constant worry and counseling for him. The chant from Chapter 4 (69); “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.” Explicitly shows how savage the boys are becoming. This chant is used once again when Simon is being killed, “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” Ralph being a part of these events shows how his loss of innocence becomes a big part/issue of the…
Simon, a Christ-like figure in Lord of the Flies, is a significant example in proving that humans are essentially good. For example, Simon cares about the well-being of the other boys: "...he turned to the poor broken thing that sat stinking by his side. The beast was harmless and horrible; and the news must reach the others as soon as possible" (Golding 147). Simon wants the other boys to be aware of the dangers that are actually facing them on the island so the boys do not put themselves or other boys in danger over a made up entity while they are trying to survive on the island. He does not want anyone to be overexerting themselves to try to kill the fictitious beast. Simon shows generosity when he volunteers to hike across the island: "'Someone's got to go across the island and tell Piggy we'll be back after dark.' ...Simon pushed his way to Ralph's elbow. 'I'll go if you like. I don't mind, honestly'" (Golding 117). Simon possesses a helpful nature even faced with the difficult task of surviving on an island with multiple other boys. Perhaps he volunteers to save the other boys from the trouble of this long walk. Simon proves that humans are essentially good by showing generosity and care while the act of the other boys forming friendships also proves humans are good.…
Human nature isn’t perfect and has many negative aspects to it. The novel Lord of the Flies written by William Golding includes many negative aspects like greed, ill treatment, and jealousy that are portrayed through the outcome of the characters. These negative views of humanity are shown through the outcome of the characters Jack, Simon and Ralph.…
In the first two chapter of Lord of the Flies, the author William Golding illustrates the character Ralph in great detail. Physical attributes of Ralph include blonde hair, mild eyes, tall stature, and an athletic build (1,10, 22). Due to his athletic build and tall stature, Ralph appears to be physically superior to the other boys. Appearance is power, the physical superiority Ralph has over others grants him automatic power; however, because of his mild eyes and fair, blonde hair the other boys are not afraid of him. Ralph’s behavior in the first two chapters displays the powerful and the young, boyish side of his personality. In Chapter One Ralph does headstands, makes fart noises with the conch, and wrestles with other boys (10,27,17). These actions reflect those of a young child without a lot of responsibility, or the actions of a child with a high level of…
After the murder of Simon, a storm erupts. The storm symbolizes the chaos and anarchy that have taken over everything on the island and the catastrophe of the murder. During Simon’s meeting with the Lord of the Flies, the Lord of the Flies promises that he would have “fun” with Simon. However, Simon realizes that the beast is actually within everyone and that he needs and has to confront the beast in everyone. Simon and Jesus Christ share similar properties, as they were both killed for the truth. However, Jesus Christ had the chance to share it before dying unlike Simon. The major difference in Simon’s and Jesus Christ’s death was that Jesus Christ’s death was to save mankind. While Simon’s death was to further symbolize and show the highlight of the island and everyone on it being thrown into further oppression and darkness. The dogpiling on to Simon represents how Rolf finally loses his leadership over the other boys. Jack’s gang was given the opportunity to release their violent and childish interests, making them ignore and blindly hunt. This was the cause of Simon’s death. Jack’s priority is to be focused on hunting and entertaining the boys. When Ralph confronts Jack later in the chapter, he saw that Jack was treated as a war king. However, Jack was so blindly focused on hunting he didn't build any shlets for the storm that erupts after the death of…
Despite his seemingly inherent goodness, Ralph shows his imperfection when he takes part in the brutal murder of Simon. Golding describes Ralph’s actions, “Piggy and Ralph, under the threat of the sky, found themselves eager to take a place in this demented but partly secure society. They were glad to touch the brown backs of the fence that hemmed in the terror and made it governable. ‘Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!’” (152). Ralph’s eventual fall from grace provides insight into a relatively cynical view of human nature as described by Golding. Ralph has been trusted by many of the children throughout the book due to his showing of reason and positive prioritization. He is even shown to respect Simon early on in the book when Simon is the only one who assists him in building the shelters, while the others either play or hunt. Despite this, Ralph is still caught up in the general flow of violence displayed by the other children in the act of beating Simon. This seems to symbolize a view of human nature that describes the social aspect of humans. The idea that humans will often join in on the actions of others regardless of their own personal morals is heavily symbolized in Golding’s depiction of Ralph’s actions. However, there does seem to be on character within the book that can consistently transcend the negative aspects of human…
Unlike McMurphy, Simon does not revel his isolation and instead chooses to isolate himself further by wandering into the forest wilderness and away from the rest of the group. Simon’s seizures and shyness lead to the other older boys ignoring him when he does try to talk at their meetings, even though Simon has the most insightful thoughts out of any of them. In addition to being the most insightful, Simon also experiences an altered perception of reality when he imagines “. . . Lord of the Flies was expanding like a balloon. . . blackness within, a blackness that spread” (Golding,143-144).When Simon walks out of the forest with the body of the dead parachutist, the boys, in a social gathering of their own, immediately kill him. By not joining the other boys in the feast, Simon highlights his social isolation. This eventually leads to his death. All of the rest of the young boys, including Ralph and Piggy take part in the feast. The only boy missing is Simon, further exemplifying to what extent his social isolation reached. In this fatal feast, which Simon does not partake in, the others brutally murder him, mistaking him for the beast. Simon’s social ostracization and therefore isolation from the other boys eventually leads to his savage murder proving that when Simon is not part of the norm, because of his frequent…
“You can do can do it,” I command myself in the full length mirror hanging from the wall.…