
Lord Of The Flies Totalitarianism Analysis

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Lord Of The Flies Totalitarianism Analysis
Lord Of The Flies as A Totalitarianism Society

The main duty of a government is to provide safety to their people and also provide them with the best opportunity to live a life filled with prosperity and enjoyment. A totalitarianism government fails to provide any sense of safety or opportunity since they are controlling and dictating the lives of the people and making decisions that best serve the government, not the people. Throughout history all totalitarianism governments have been formed due to ones obsessive desire to obtain power and control over everything. Some of these fascist leaders include Hitler of Nazi Germany, Mussolini of Italy and Lean Trotsky. In the novel Lord of The Flies, the desire to obtain power and control leads
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Jack is doing this because he wants Ralph to resign from his position as a leader so that he can attain the power and control as the new leader of the boys. Another example that shows Jacks totalitarianism characteristics of creating fear in people occurs when he is an argument with Piggy. “The bolting look came into his blue eyes. He took a step and stuck his fist into Piggy’s stomach.” (Golding). This quote exhibits that Jack does not only create fear in others by verbally abusing them, but he also uses violence to construct a powerful sense of fear among the boys. After this scene Piggy does not confront Jack about anything because of the immense fear he has of Jack verbally or physically abusing him. As the novel progresses Jacks ability to inject fear into the lives of the boys becomes extremely effective. “I'm scared of him… If you're scared of someone you hate him but you can't stop thinking about him. You kid yourself he's all right really, and then when you see him again; it's like asthma and you can't breathe...” This quote reveals how effective Jacks approach is in creating fear in the boy’s lives. In this scene one of the

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