William Goldling
Prepared by: Sarim Raja
Chapter 1: The Sound of the Shell
Q1: Who are the first two characters to appear in the story?
A: Ralph and Piggy are the first two characters that appear in the story.
Q2: What do Ralph and Piggy find in the lagoon?
A: They find a conch shell in the lagoon.
Q3: How does Ralph summon the others?
A: Ralph blows the conch to summon the others.
Q4: Who is elected chief?
A: Ralph is the elected chief.
Q5: For what purpose does Jack want his choir used?
A: Jack wants his choir to be used as hunters and defenders.
Q6: What assignment does Ralph give Piggy instead of allowing him to join the exploration expedition?
A: Ralph asks Piggy to take names of all the boys instead of going with him.
Q7: Who does Ralph select to accompany him on expedition?
A: Ralph selects Jack and Simon to accompany him on expedition.
Q8: What weapon does Jack posses?
A: Jack has a knife.
Chapter 2: Fire on the Mountains
Q1: Where does Ralph get the idea for using conch to speak?
A: Piggy gives him idea of using conch as speaker as it has power to call the audience.
Q2: Why is Jack so enthusiastic about the possibility of creating the rules?
A: Jack is enthusiastic about making of the rules as they will be having their own rules and secondly it will help them to have a civilized life.
Q3: Which boy pessimistically introduces the reality that they may never be rescued?
A: Piggy pessimistically introduces the reality that they may never be rescued.
Q4: Who first mentions “the beastie”?
A: The little boy with a mulberry mark on his face first mention the beast.
Q5: Who is the last to join the boys on mountain to make fire?
A: Piggy is the last one to join the boys on mountain to make fire.
Q6: How do the boys start the fire?
A: Boys use Piggy’s glasses to focus the light of sun to lighten the fire.
Q7: How does the fire become uncontrollable?
A: The boys put a large pile of wood on fire