Lord Wavell, the viceroy of India, announced his plan on 14th June 1945 to end the political ruin. Lord Wavell made the following proposals:
1. The Viceroy’s Executive Council would be reconstructed. It would wholly consist of Indians except for the Viceroy and the commander-in-chief.
2. Hindus and Muslims would be represented at par on the Viceroy’s Council.
3. Executive Council as Interim Government would have complete authority and it work till the end of the war.
4. The Constitution of India would be drafted by the Indians themselves.
5. The Governor-General would retain the veto power which he would use in the interest of the people of India.
Lord Wavell also announced on this occasion that a conference would be called at Simla to discuss the proposals of this plan and important Indian leaders would be invited in the conference.
Simla Conference (1945):
For the implementation on the Wavell’s plan a Conference held at Simla towards the end of the June 1945 to which the representatives of various political parties were invited. It was agreed that in the Executive Council there should be five caste Hindus and five Muslims. As the battle for Pakistan was being fought on the basis of two nation theory and was being fought by Muslim …show more content…
The two people, it seemed, were engaged in a fight to the finish. The time for a peaceful transfer of power was fast running out. Realizing the gravity of the situation, His Majesty’s Government sent down to India a new Viceroy-Lord Mountbatten. His protracted negotiations with the various political leaders resulted in 3 June 1947 plan by which the British decided to partition the subcontinent, and hand over power to two successor States on 15th August, 1947. The plan was duly accepted by the three Indian parties to the dispute-the Congress, the League and the Akali Dal (representing the