The author of the Dark Room (Rachel Sieffert) used Lore's Characteristics to make her memorable. Lore is very adaptable to life during World War II. Lore often has to improvise by finding other ways of doing things for example when Lore tries to keep the children clean, she uses paraffin with a tub to try and get rid of nits in the children’s hair. Food was also scarce so she had to make reasonable portions with the food she gathered for herself and her siblings “Lore divides
The author of the Dark Room (Rachel Sieffert) used Lore's Characteristics to make her memorable. Lore is very adaptable to life during World War II. Lore often has to improvise by finding other ways of doing things for example when Lore tries to keep the children clean, she uses paraffin with a tub to try and get rid of nits in the children’s hair. Food was also scarce so she had to make reasonable portions with the food she gathered for herself and her siblings “Lore divides