By having the same kind of setting for home and school it becomes a “multisystem approach”. (Losinkski et al., 2016) In order to provide a stable environemnt at school they find a place that the child feels safe and stable. It is important to recognize placement of stable environemnt. This kind of location can be implanted in a child’s “individualized education program” and can range from a room or office. In order to address behaviors in school setting Losinski suggests practitioners to conduct behavioral assessments and have an intervention plan at school as well for specific behaviors (Losinkski et al., …show more content…
She has explained it to Patricia and she agreed to it. They are all parent and child sessions. They focused on her symptoms individually to try to reduce symptoms. Play therapy was used a bit for this in a similar fashion to the stranger situation procedure but altered to focus more on Patricia. With the recommendation of the therapist, Patricia has decided to stop bringing Liliana to work to cut her off from more non-caregiver adults to reduce symptoms. Patricia has decided to go on a sabbatical until Liliana entered school in the following year when she turned five, in which she would have her work schedule work with Liliana’s school schedule. This way Patricia can become the sole care giving figure in Liliana’s life and hope to reduce symptoms and hopefully remove DSED. With the help of the therapist, they talked to the school to build a individualized education plan. They have even designated a room in an art room near the class if she ever needed it as well as talked to the counselor to monitor Liliana behavior and make assessments twice a week in cooccurrence with her therapist. Once School started for Liliana, her and Patricia saw their therapist twice a week during