While it may be true that Malcolm led his army on Macbeth and Macduff made the killing stroke, Lady Macbeth's actions both directly and indirectly caused Macbeth's demise. Right after Macbeth had killed Duncan, he returns to his chamber with his nerves in tatters. After looking at his blood-smeared hands he realizes the gravity of what he has just done and announces “Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more” (2, 2, 43-44). Sleep is necessary for people to stay sane, and without it, restlessness, paranoia, and insanity are sure to follow. Macbeth's guilt and troubled conscious prevent him from getting a good rest, and leave him susceptible to these ill-effects. This contributes to his impulsive demeanour while he is king. After the death of Duncan and the disappearance of Malcolm, Macbeth is crowned king of Scotland. However, his lack of character, soldier's attitude, and the paranoia/insanity brought on by the lack of sleep transform Macbeth into a tyrannical leader. Macbeth then defends his kingship with extreme violence by orchestrating the murder of his good friend Banquo ans his son Fleance when a threat to Macbeth perceived a threat to his crown. Banquo was to be killed because Macbeth believed he knew of how he became king, while Fleance was targeted because Macbeth did not want his lineage to end with him. Another example of Macbeth's tyrannical ways was the brutal slaughter of Macduff's family. When Macbeth learned that Macduff was conspiring against him, he orders the death of his entire family [“The castle of Macduff I will surprise, seize upon Fife, give to th' edge o' th'
While it may be true that Malcolm led his army on Macbeth and Macduff made the killing stroke, Lady Macbeth's actions both directly and indirectly caused Macbeth's demise. Right after Macbeth had killed Duncan, he returns to his chamber with his nerves in tatters. After looking at his blood-smeared hands he realizes the gravity of what he has just done and announces “Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more” (2, 2, 43-44). Sleep is necessary for people to stay sane, and without it, restlessness, paranoia, and insanity are sure to follow. Macbeth's guilt and troubled conscious prevent him from getting a good rest, and leave him susceptible to these ill-effects. This contributes to his impulsive demeanour while he is king. After the death of Duncan and the disappearance of Malcolm, Macbeth is crowned king of Scotland. However, his lack of character, soldier's attitude, and the paranoia/insanity brought on by the lack of sleep transform Macbeth into a tyrannical leader. Macbeth then defends his kingship with extreme violence by orchestrating the murder of his good friend Banquo ans his son Fleance when a threat to Macbeth perceived a threat to his crown. Banquo was to be killed because Macbeth believed he knew of how he became king, while Fleance was targeted because Macbeth did not want his lineage to end with him. Another example of Macbeth's tyrannical ways was the brutal slaughter of Macduff's family. When Macbeth learned that Macduff was conspiring against him, he orders the death of his entire family [“The castle of Macduff I will surprise, seize upon Fife, give to th' edge o' th'