Indigenous protests over how reserve land was managed and how it was being taken away became more and more frequent, until in the 1960s it erupted into a country wide movement for land rights. Not only did the Indigenous population of Australia want to preserve the land they already had, but they wanted to be recognised as the legal owners of their traditional lands so that no one, not even the government could take them away in the future.…
There is a national reconciliation week that helps us build stronger and better relationships between indigenous people and the wider Australian community. The Aboriginals go back 50,000 years. The British were unable to recognise the rights of the aboriginals and the connection they had with their land. They declared the land they were living on, was terra nullius which means the land belonged to nobody. When the colonisation happened by 1920 there was only 60,00 abogrinal and Torres strait islanders. When the British settlement happened, between 1910-1970 the abogrinal children were taken away from their families. The colonisation had a devasting impact on the indigenous people. Between 1788-1900 the indigenous population had dropped by 90%. Around 3 out of 4 indigenous people didn’t make it through the colonisation. The colonisation had introduced new diseases such as; small pox, measles and influenza. It was estimated that around 20,000 aboriginals where killed as a result of the violence. In 1835, john batman who was a pastoralist and explorer tried to make a treaty with the…
In 1788, nearly 1000 Europeans arrived to Australia. From this year, conflicts between Aboriginals and Europeans continued until 1860. Before colonization, indigenous people were struck down by diseases introduced by Europeans. Indigenous people had no immunity to new diseases, so the common cold, sexually transmitted disease and smallpox resulted in a rapid decline of their population. In 1856, the British government authorized the appointment of a “Protector of Aborigines” to settle problems such as people’s illness, language and occupation. In 1860, the Victorian government established the Aborigines Protection Board. In 1910, Australia government forcibly took more than 100 000 Aboriginal children from their families and placed in church or state based institutions. (Jupp,J 2001, p.9).…
Aboriginals are indigenous Australians and their ancestors were the earliest humans who occupied Australia. They lived in Australia before British colonization. (Morten Rasmussen et al., 2011) They have the oldest ongoing culture in the world and they could adapt and change with the environment. World’s first usage of stones was invented by Aborigines. They have rich cultural heritage such as beautiful paintings and rock arts. (ACME, 2015) However, the situation of Aboriginals dropped since colonists arrived and got even worse from 1910.…
This was abused as the The australians took their best land having a bad effect on the aboriginals as they were forced inland into the…
Indigenous Australians are a prominently disadvantaged group that are subject to extreme discrimination impacting on their life’s. The Stolen generation had severe negative impacts on the victims of the stolen generation and has continued to negatively affect future generations. Further negative implications have stemmed from this extreme action. And it is the cause of many issues of inequality today among Indigenous Australians. This essay will define the stolen generation, outline and discuss the negative impacts that have stemmed from it and then link the impacts of assimilation to theories such as functionalist theory, structural, etc.…
European colonization had huge impact on aboriginal people. It changed their lives and their importance in the society also took a shift. Their belongings were taken away and they were left with nothing not even food and water. They were not important anymore.…
When Australia was colonised, in 1788 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were already on the land, living with political and legal and social systems in a community. Aboriginal land was taken over by British colonists, saying the land belonged to no one, which is referred to as, “Terra Nullius”, but was then taken over by white people. In 1937, the Government held a conference on Aboriginal matters, which agreed that Aboriginal people should be introduced into the wider white population.…
The Australian Aborigines were the first people to live on the continent Australia, being here longer than the White Australians. During that time, the Aboriginal people made a special bond with the land and their kinship to their families. After the invasion of the Europeans settlers, laws were introduced to take away the land traditionally owned. Protectionism was one of the first policies meaning that Aborigines and the European settlers were separated and ‘protected’ for their own good. This was failing and that’s when assimilation was introduced which meant…
When the British arrived in Australia in 1788 and proclaimed the land as their own under the terra nullius doctrine (literally meaning ‘nobody’s land), the immediate impact of it on the locals was an abolishment of their rights and citizenship. Immigration laws were introduced that preferred the white race, and many other laws discriminated against the indigenous and other ethnicities. These even barred the Asian migrants from entering the country as part of the white Australia policy by putting them through ‘language dictation tests’ under which candidates were tested under any European language. Permit policies restricted the work opportunities and mobility for the Aborigines. The indigenous Australians even bore the ordeal in the early 1900s when their children were taken away from them and placed under state care.…
The Aboriginals were a native civilization in Australia comparable to the Native Americans in North America. They were Australia’s stolen generation. These indigenous people were snapped off from their culture violently and unjustifiably. The…
The European invasion of Australia in 1780 impacted upon the lives of all the Aboriginal people that lived in and around the invaded areas. When Captain Cook landed in Australia, he declared it as Terra Nullius, and this alone gives a significant insight as to the mentality of the British and their willingness to acknowledge the Aboriginal people and the importance that the land played in their daily lives. As the invaders brought with them their laws, ideals, diseases, livestock and people, the need for land increased and settlers began to venture outwards from the main settlements, the frontier broadened and the Aboriginal population began to shrink. The encroachment upon the land meant that many Aboriginal people were now being forced to come into closer contact with the Europeans. In doing this, the frontier affected the Aboriginal people in ways that ensured that their lives would never be the same and that European ideals affected their lives not only on the frontier but for generations too follow. The invasion of the Australian frontier affected areas in Aboriginal lives such as dispossession, disease, large-scale violence, which led to resistance.…
Sacred sites, hunting grounds and food supplies of the Aboriginal people were taken away from them as the European settlers used the land for farming and houses for them to live. They did not understand the importance of the land to the Aboriginies due to the nomadic lifestyle they live. Due to the dispossession of the Indigenous from their land, the population dramatically declined.…
Beginning in 1910 and ending in the 1970s, Australians Federal and State government agencies and church missions made a policy to forcibly take many aboriginal and Torres Strait children away from their families in an attempt to destroy the Aboriginal race and culture. There was an impact on the aboriginals with a particular policy the Australian Government had introduced, which was the policy of ‘Assimilation’. This policy was to encourage many Aboriginal people to give up their culture, language, tradition, knowledge and spirituality to basically become white Australians. Unfortunately this policy didn’t give the Aboriginals the same rights as white Australians, as a result of discrimination, aboriginals were moved to live in special housing…
This lecture, about the history of how Australia’s colonisation, has affected the Aboriginal people, was quite disturbing to listen to. I felt distressed, hearing how Aboriginals were systematically oppressed, especially children torn away from their families and refused any interaction with their family, language and culture. Personally, I find it hard to compare this injustice to my life and feel any example would fall short. The only time that comes to mind, is when I moved from Australia to Canada, trying to re-orientate myself to a new country, feeling isolated and homesick. However, this situation was brought on by choice, I did not lose my identity, I could always return home, unlike the Aboriginal children portrayed in the Rabbit-Proof…