Name: Richard Wilson
I.D# 62006345
Date: February 16, 2015
Tutorial: Tuesday 12-1pm
Lecturer: Dr. Jermaine McCalpin
COURSE TITLE: Theories of the State
Question: 2. Make an argument for the virtues of lotto scamming as a means of economic freedom and empowerment. Please use example Lotto scamming can be defined as a type of advance-fee fraud which begins with an
unexpected email notification, phone call, or mailing. This type of scamming
has moved from an individual act to gain quick cash, to a global investment scheme with
some top institutions, professionals and business officials involved in the manipulation of
elders usually from within North America and Europe of huge sums of cash.
A phone, laptop and access to personal information about the victims normally obtained
from someone within the organizations that have information used by victims on online
websites. This trade of lotto scam is illegal but yet its prevalence continues nonetheless
because it gives those involved a means to survive, live lucrative and flashy lifestyles.
However, this attracts the government and international anti-crime officials who seek to
stop these individuals. Economic freedom postulated by Robert A. Lawson, is classified as
the key to greater opportunity and an improved quality of life. It's the freedom to choose how
to produce, sell, and use your own resources, while respecting others' rights to do the same.
Economic empowerment is the capacity of individuals to participate in, contribute to
and benefit from growth processes in ways that recognise the value of their contributions,
respect their dignity and make it possible to negotiate a fairer distribution of the benefits of
The writer thinks, with the definitions given above, that lotto scamming can and does
serve the need for economic