Louis the 14th, who is named as France’s Sun King, had the longest reign in European history beginning from 1643 until he dies in 1715. He had only five years old when he became the king of France, therefore the reign was almost dominated by the Cardinal until he died in 1661 . Following the cardinal’s death, Louis brought the absolute monarchy at the risk of taking both his mother’s and the council’s reactions .
In 1685, the king took a disastrous decision of revoking the Protestants right to worship by his diktat of Fontainebleau. Many of which constituted an industrious segments left the country, taking with them skills. In addition, Louis display of religious intolerance helped unite the Protestants powers of Europe against the king.
In September 1688, Louis was hoping to disrupt his enemies who formed the league of Augsburg against him. The nine years war of the Grand Alliances was followed. France barely held its own against the united provinces, England, Austria and Spain, all under William III. But the treaty of Rijswijk in 1697, was signed in the Newberg castle, it ended the War of the Grand Alliance, and preserved Strasbourg and Louis achievement along the France-German border. The first war was against Spain; Louis married Marie-Therese