
Louis XIV: Spreading Off Medieval Traditions

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Throughout centuries religion has been controversial, but has also impacted social, politics, and culture in society. Brushing off medieval traditions a new idea called the Renaissance swept people off their feet, because it was an era of rebirth. Other scholars have looked at this period as the beginning of early modern Europe. Since The Early Renaissance, a philosopher named Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola in his novel, On the Dignity of Man, he found the theme of the Renaissance he claimed that “…reason and the truth of the Bible share a basic unity that is reflected in the history of thought” (Readings to Accompany Experience Humanities 1), meaning that its view that it has on human nature has no limits and is the prototype of the Renaissance idea of the unless possibilities; and to this day, this idea of free expression is the defining trait of Western culture.
From High Renaissance to early
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The Catholic Church and the Protestants continued to disagree with one another. The baroque ideas helped distinguished the propaganda aspects of this era on politics and religion. A leader named Louis XIV ruled France. He made his private and public life the embodiment of the French state, meaning that he was the state. What was horrifying about this was Louise XIV was practicing and leaning more towards an absolute government where citizens had to follow his orders. Louis XIV, when in power, cancelled the freedom to the Huguenots and persecuted them to devout themselves to Catholicism, and if they disagreed they were either fled into exile or murdered. This was a terrifying time for people who had different cultural/religious backgrounds; having emplaced a government whose absolute is giving every individual’s freedom to that government, and a government which decides the type of religion an individual should believe. Religion had an impact on society and the type of behavior that resulted from

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