Louisiana State University is in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The advantages to the Advantages to the placement of the college are insurmountable, while the same can be said of about the disadvantages. For a student living in state, the traveling to and from college may not be a serious factor to consider, but for one wishing to attend LSU from out of state, the drive to and from may, at times, be a deciding factor in whether or not the school is for them. A big advantage of the college being in a big city is the fact there are job opportunities everywhere, as well as potential living spaces and things to do if one has extra time. There are fast food chains and super stores all over one can choose from as well as there being libraries, tourist shops, and various other small businesses,etc. that will likely always be hiring, considering Baton Rouge is a big city as well as the capital of Louisiana. The disadvantages one moving to Baton Rouge face seem to be fewer, but add up much more quickly. The crime rate in Baton Rouge is extremely high. This puts the city at being safer than only 4% of all US cities (Baton Rouge Crime Rates and Statistics). Other than the high crime rate, money may be a serious issue for those wishing to live in Louisiana’s capital from out of state. While the cost of living and housing are 8% and 13% lower than …show more content…
Of that large number, some of the options one can choose from are Animal Advocates, Campus Life, and Marching Band. Animal advocates is an organization that meets monthly and pushes for fair and humane treatment of all animals (Animal Advocates). Campus Life is an organization that serves the college much like a student council club would for a high school. Campus Life serves the college by meeting weekly and working studiously to enhance campus life for all students. The organization helps with fundraisers for different causes and other activities such as homecoming (Campus Life). Another organization one may be interested in is Louisiana State’s marching band. The marching band has multiple weekly practices to perfect their performances in football games, parades, pep rallies, and anything else they are needed for (Louisiana State University Marching