The student will watch a movie on the Harlem Renaissance. While watching the movie
the students will be given a test that will have ten questions concerning the Harlem
Renaissance Era. This is to test the knowledge of what they know about the Harlem
Renaissance, the specifics of the events and why the event was significant.
Created: 03/10/2012 (Based on rubric by REGINA WHITTIER)
Last modified: 03/11/2012 09:58:46 PM
Criteria Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Students showed attentiveness when watching a movie about the Harlem Renaissance.
Sit in seat and listen attentively to Movie. Appear to not listen once. Moving about and listening somewhat. Students will answer questions correctly concerning timeline of the Harlem Renaissance.
Answer nine or ten questions correctly concerning timeline of the Harlem Renaissance. Answer seven or eight questions correctly concerning timeline of the
Harlem Renaissance. Answer five or below questions correctly concerning timeline of the Harlem Renaissance. Student will be able to match names to events oncerning the Harlem Renaissance.
Student will be able to match nine or ten names to events concerning the Harlem
Renaissance. Student will be able to atch seven or eight names to events concerning the
Renaissance. Student will be able to match six or below names to events concerning the
Harlem Renaissance
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Criteria Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Students showed attentiveness when watching a movie about the Harlem Renaissance.
Sit in seat and listen attentively to Movie.
Appear to not listen once. Moving about and listening somewhat. Students will answer questions correctly concerning timeline of the Harlem