There are various reasons as to why this is such a large social and economical problem. Becoming pregnant is an unanticipated consequence for most teens because they did not think it would happen to them. In reality, there are countless teen pregnancies each year. “In 2002, 757,000 pregnancies occurred among females aged 15-19” (Hedman, Larsen, Bohnenblust, 2008). The media also contributes to the blow up of teen pregnancy due to the realism of these shows can be misleading and can give other teens false truths about what a teen motherhood is really like
The babies just as well as the teenage mothers, may face long-term problems from the pregnancy. These problems include school failure, poverty, and mental or physical illness. In many situations the babies that are born to teenage mothers are at greater risk for abuse and neglect than those of a woman mother. Many teenage moms may feel like they are being ordered to take position as mother, and may take their frustration out on their children and those close to them. Once you do become mature you can make your own decisions whether they are good or bad ones. This will not only be better for their lives but for their children’s lives as well. Rodriquez, C., Moore, N. (1995). Perceptions of pregnant/parenting
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Causal Analysis Rough Draft Rubric | Total Points Possible | Your Score | | 50 | | Addressing the Assignment/Content
• Addressed all parts of the assignment fully and thoughtfully
• Showed a full understanding of tasks
• Essay is appropriate to assignment
• Writer chose an appropriate phenomenon/problem/trend
• Writer focused on causes in the paper
• Paper is free of unnecessary information | 9-10 very strong/excellent
8-8.99 strong
7-7.99 competent
6-6.99 weak/below average
0-5.99 way below average/not acceptable | 8 | Paragraph and Essay Structure
• Demonstrated an understanding of essay structure by having clear and distinct introduction, body, and concluding sections
• Introduction had a lead-in which captured audience attention and oriented readers to the subject
• Paper had clear thesis statement which made a statement regarding causes
• Body paragraphs had clear topic sentences that focused each paragraph on a discussion of a cause
• Conclusion effectively provided closure for the essay
• All related ideas in same paragraph; logical paragraphing | 9-10 very strong/excellent
8-8.99 strong
7-7.99 competent
6-6.99 weak/below average
0-5.99 way below average/not acceptable | 10 | Detail, Development, Organization
• The phenomenon/trend/problem is clearly defined
• Body paragraphs contain clear statements of causes and support for those causes
• Details are sufficient in number and type to illustrate and validate points;
• Detail matches points being made;
• Paper includes no unnecessary details or ideas which are off topic.
• Essay proceeds in a logical manner
• Connections between ideas are clear
• Transitions are used effectively | 9-10 very strong/excellent
8-8.99 strong
7-7.99 competent
6-6.99 weak/below average
0-5.99 way below average/not acceptable | 6 | Language/Vocabulary/Word Choice
• The writer shows a strong command of language
• Words chosen are rich, effective, vivid, and precise
• Writer uses college level vocabulary
• Sentences are clear and easy to follow
• Writer uses first, second, and third person pronouns appropriately
• Writer uses a variety of sentence types
• Writer demonstrates control over simple and complex sentence structures | 9-10 very strong/excellent
8-8.99 strong
7-7.99 competent
6-6.99 weak/below average
0-5.99 way below average/not acceptable | | Mechanics/APA Format
• The paper is clearly written with no parts which are awkward or unclear.
• The paper has been proofread and edited to eliminate mistakes in grammar and punctuation
• Paper is free of run-ons and fragments
• Title page and paper format meet APA standards
• Sources, if used, are cited correctly | 9-10 very strong/excellent
8-8.99 strong
7-7.99 competent
6-6.99 weak/below average
0-5.99 way below average/not acceptable | | *