Anita Collins
Professor: White
English 0300 7 pm
29th March 2011
Love and Happiness
According to the Webster dictionary love is to share one’s life, and downfalls; not just ones personal property; love is an affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties; a strong feeling of attraction. Being honest about you and allowing the other person involved in the relationship to really get to know who you really are. Happiness is an agreeable feeling or condition of the soul arising from good fortune or propitious happening of any kind; the possession of those circumstances or that state of being which is attended with enjoyment.
To love and be loved is the beauty of life; many people yearn for peace, love and happiness myself included. Love brings happiness that is what we are made to think from very early stages in life. Must we make others happy for us to be happy; therefore there are some dangerous myths in life that can keep you from being happy; it’s a bad life where we try to please others throughout life; if this fouls people usually bitter resentful and in most cases hateful to people we fail to please. If we do not resist the planked seed of co-dependence we are doomed to live for others.
Collins II
Love is a present experience; it has no opposite and is the union and connection of all things. Love is vast; infinitely vast; love expands with wisdom, patience and kindness. It is so expansive that it even contains room for all fears to nestle into. Love embraces all fears; within love, seeds of fear can either grow or remain unchanged or these seeds can transform and blossom into more love. Love welcomes both the unchanged fears and the transformed ones. love has room for all things at all times; for judgment, weakness, and disappointment, as well as for joy, compassion and peace. All experience nestle and find room within the open cradle and forever accepting, expanding