Heather M. Chapman’s article, “Love: A Biological, Psychological, and Philosophical Study” (2011), asserts that the idea of love can be defined in a biological, psychological, and philosophical way. Chapman supports this claim by specifically going into detail with each concept, stating how it effects humans and how they choose…
In the book why we love, author Helen Fisher attempts to understand the idea behind the human romantic love by studying the mating behavior of animals. Thus, she firmly believes that romantic love is a phenomenon arising from ‘human nature’. Which shows itself in the different forms in the animal kingdom. The book begins by presenting the results of a scientific study in which Fisher scanned the brains of people who had just fallen madly in love. She proves, at last, what researchers had only suspected: that when you fall in love, primordial areas of the brain "light up" with increased blood flow, creating romantic passion. Fisher uses this new research to show exactly what you experience when you fall in love, why you choose one person rather than another, and how romantic love affects your sex drive and your feelings of attachment to a partner. She argues that all animals feel romantic attraction, that love at first sight comes out of nature, and that human romance evolved for crucial reasons of survival. Lastly, she offers concrete suggestions on how to control this ancient passion, and she optimistically explores the future of romantic love in our chaotic modern world.…
Romantic relationships are seen as “a joyful fusion of closeness [and] communication…” (McCornack, 2010, p. 322) These relationships provide more of a bond than a regular relationship connected with friends and people we know but aren’t close to. A romantic relationship is a chosen interpersonal involvement built through communication in which both people in the relationship see it as romantic. In the development of a relationship, there are five stages. In the phase McCornack calls “coming together” there are five stages: initiating, experimenting, intensifying, integrating, and bonding. The main stage I will be analyzing is the intensifying stage.…
I walk into the dull atmosphere classroom, pictures of present and past high school baseball players stare back at me. The marker board covered in scribbles of math and assignments that will soon be issued to us by the teacher. One look at the teacher and you can tell he wasn’t in the best of health. Starting with his overweight physic to his white, pasty skin, almost a bit discolored in some areas. It was soon discovered early in the year that he suffered from a heart deficiency. Yet, having constant road blocks enter his path, he continues to teach and peruse his passion. I rather much enjoyed that class, and there was one month left till until school was out. Students start to file into class; among them is a familiar but unacquainted face, Dan. Dan and I knew each other but neither of us had taken the time to traditionally acquaint ourselves and really talk. Dan had short golden blonde hair, pale white skin, which was making his acne more visible. He was tall and lanky with a friendly smile and attitude. That day he finally introduces himself and we begin to talk. My first impressions were that he was sweet yet a bit odd, referring to many people and myself as ‘love’. As well came off as ambitious and carefree, after having snuck out of class multiple times and just leaving for the day. As summer dawned closer and sophomore year was coming to an end, me and Dans friendship grew and we exchanged numbers. Summer began, weeks pass and we talk from time to time. Till one day while texting I ask if he had any big plans for the rest of summer. The reply I got was not what I expected. He told me that he was due to have brain surgery in a month or so. And as well, that that wasn’t the worst part, not only is his condition fatal if he doesn’t receive proper treatment, but that if the operation is successful that a side effect is that he will lose all memory of the last 4years of his life. At this point in the conversation my mind was racing trying…
For instance, many believe it is impossible for two people to instantly fall in love just by one glance, but studies have shown that, “instant attraction is more than just what one sees. It’s a combination of many stimuli such as smell and the ingestion of pheromones…” (Source B). There is more that goes into love at first sight, then sight itself; so those who believe love cannot be created with one look are wrong since more than just eyesight goes into the glance that could eventually spark a relationship. Readers can tell that love at first sight is more than just a look when they read Romeo saying that Juliet is, “Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear” and that she “shows a snowy dove trooping with crows/ As yonder lady o’er her fellows shows” (Source D). If Romeo just used his sight, he would just describe how Juliet looks, but he instead described her presence and the kind of vibe she creates just by standing in a room. He obviously has fallen in love with her but not only looking at her, but also by getting a sense of who she is just by watching her. Therefore, people tend to misinterpret what love at first sight really is. Love at first sight is a mixture of both a glance, and a reaching out of one person to try and connect to another. This whole process is a part of love at first sight, proving that love at first sight is a mixture of many scientific…
What is love like for you? Caitlin Dewey’s purpose of her story is to explain to the audience a time in her life in which she experienced love, and to inform and persuade the reader about her perspective of online and in-real-life relationships. However, most people think that love can’t exist when the majority of that relationship occurs online. Caitlin Dewey shares with us her experience with love: online vs. real life. Dewey has a strong argument because there really is no way that you can argue or disagree with her story since only she has experienced it firsthand. Caitlin Dewey never actually says that she is trying to persuade the reader what to think about love, but is nonetheless just trying to convey the audience about her own experience when she felt a spark with someone and how the circumstances can change things.…
Good Morning everyone and welcome to the seminar 'Ensuring a Successful Relationship' and I am here to tell you just that. Today we will be discussing how young people establish a relationship, the roles men and women play in an ancient and modern relationships and obstacles they face in these scenarios. As my example for the 'ancient' relationship I will be using the Shakespearean play ' A Mid-summer Nights Dream' and for the 'Modern' relationship I will be drawing my conclusions from the portrayal of love and romance in popular culture. I choose these examples because they both show different ideals of 'love' and relationships.…
The first time in my life that I ever experienced true anger and fear was in the sixth grade. A little before Thanksgiving Break, I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma, a type of skin cancer, in my lower back. I had a mole there that was removed earlier that year, and the test results on it had come back positive. I did not find out until later, but when my mom sat me down across from her to talk, I knew something was wrong. It was then that she told me what was going on, and I broke down in tears. I had never experienced fear such as I did then.…
I believe in love. I believe that love is painful. Love is not when your “lover” walks by and you feel butterflies in your stomach. That is not love, love is the wrenching pain in your heart. The pain you fear will kill you. The unbearable pain, day and night, hour after hour, minute after minute, second after second, until it is done. gone. That is love. Not hugs and kisses, not love songs or love poems. Love is the devil, mean,, cold hearted. That is love.…
I love you so much fun and addicting but it is a great day to be a good day to. I love it and it will not have to do with a few weeks and months of the year. The best of all time favorite movie is so much better if it was a good day. I'm at work today and it was the only thing I don't think I might just…
Take a mother and a newborn child for example. It has been said by countless mothers that as soon as their baby was born, it was ¨love at first sight¨. This can be considered a valid reason because there is a physical attachment before any type of eye contact. This brings the suggestion that, because there is an attachment for nine months, the thought of ¨love at first sight¨ is more believable. This is a similar situation with my mother and myself which is why it gives all the more reason to be believed. Also, old couples who have been together for 20 plus years have experienced ¨love at first sight.¨ It is explained, when young couples first meet there is an automatic connection that can not be resisted. The feeling is unexplanatory but it happens and can be the best thing that has ever happened to a person. The chance of this happening to anyone is a fifty-fifty but it is not uncommon. The only way to truly know if the idea is true, is to experience it for one's…
There are many things in this world that I just cannot believe. The very first thing on that list is the number of poor, cynical beings who don't believe in something that is crucial to our survival. Some people actually don't believe in love! What's even worse are the people who don't believe in the idea of teen love, or love at first sight. Love is everywhere! Love is all around us! Every day, girls are finding their prince charming, or knight in shining armor. Everywhere you look, in stories, and in movies, there is love. The facts are right under our noses, and some people just cannot see them. Love, especially teen love, should be considered the most genuine type of love out there.…
As for me? I'd like to think that love at first sight is possible. There is an innate romanticism attached to the thought of meeting someone and having them hitting enough emotional triggers immediately to just know. Now, Have I ever had it happen? Not the love bit, but I've met three folks over a span of twenty years where I just knew they'd be a huge part of my evolution as a person; I just wasn't sure how initially. One became a great friend, another a very emotionally charged but short lived relationship (although we still stay in touch), and one recent, and still playing out. Not one have told I love them, although admittedly love all three very much. And thus, in my head, no love at first sight for me. A strong hunch, and a driving need to get to know someone better? Definitely.…
It was the summer of ‘09 in July; I met this person almost two summers ago. It was during those times where I wasn’t looking and just wanted to have fun that night. It was night out with the girls and I haven’t had one of those in awhile. It wasn’t too hot out so I wore a pair of red shorts, tank top, and some sexy stilettos. I wanted to stand out from the crowd so if anybody was watching me they would know what to look for if I disappeared. I danced and drank their famous icee drinks. There was good music and the place was packed. I was having so much I never even noticed this tall chocolate guy watching me. He had a nice lean muscular body that I noticed right off the back, the guy he was with actually knew my cousin with that night. We introduced ourselves and kind of flirted. I was interested and wanted to know more about this person but only as friends. We enjoyed the rest of the night dancing on the dance floor but it didn’t last very long. A very drunk and disrespectful female involved herself in the equation and things kind of turned ugly. I didn’t know if she was his girlfriend or an ex. I wasn’t in the mood to make things worse for HER so I distanced myself from him and the situation. All the girls decided to leave and continue the party outside. The streets were packed with lots of cars and people that we didn’t need that place. Cars were blasting music since the streets…
In the second grade, I had my first boyfriend. It all started the first day of school when he complimented my pigtails and my Minnie Mouse overalls. That was the moment I knew he was, "the one". His name was William. William and I would have lunch together every single day. He would share his lunchables and bring an extra caprisun for me. During recess, he would push me on the swings and we would race into the sunset, or at least until recess was over. He called me every night after dinner and we talked on the phone for five whole minutes. During class, we would pass notes and we'd get in trouble by the teacher, but it was worth it. Needless to say, it was love. One day, William decided to invite me to his 8th birthday party. I knew we were progressing in our relationship, because I was the only girl he invited. The day of William's birthday party flew by. As soon as I knew it, everyone was picked up by their punctual mothers. When we were finally alone, William asked me if I wanted to see his treehouse. Every seven/eight year old knows what "you want to see my treehouse?" means. It means that he's finally open about accepting my love and metaphorically inviting me into his heart. So like any other seven year old girl would say, I said, "I would love to!". When we were in his treehouse, he suddenly turned to me and said, "Susie, I think you're the coolest girl ever and you have really pretty cursive writing." He always had a way with his words. I replied with, "Will, can I call you Will? Will, I think you're the fastest boy in the second grade." We stared into each others eyes as the moonlight reflected upon our cheeks, and the cool wind made my hair dance as one with the wind. Will tamed my loose strands and tucked them behind my ear. In one quick, swift move, he embraced me and we hugged passionately. The hug was firm, yet gentle. He held me in his arms for what felt like forever. Out of the blue, he jerked me back and we exchanged a…