Lam-ang found the house of Ines surrounded by many suitors all of whom were trying to catch her attention. He had his rooster which caused a nearby house to fall. This made Ines look out. He had his dog bark and in an instant the fallen house rose up again. The girl’s parents witnessed this called for him. The rooster expressed the love of lam-ang.
The parents agreed to a marriage with their daughter if lam-ang would give them a dowry
Valued at double their wealth. Lam-ang had no problem fulfilling this condition and he and Ines were married.
It was a tradition to have a newly married man swim in the river for the raring fish.
He found it difficult to find the fish. He made many attempts until finally he was swallowed by the shark as was predestined. Meantime, the omens foretold by Lam-ang himself appeared to Ines: the stairway danced, and the stove broke into two. Realizing her graet loss, she sorrowed deeply and wept profusely.
Ines had Marcos get his bones, which she covered with a piece of cloth.
His rooster crowed and his dog barked and slowly the bones started to move and back alive.
Lam-ang and Ines accompanied by their pets, quickly returned home and lives a happy and contented life.