Suddenly out of nowhere He became the main character of my most beautiful and painful relationship. He was the charming prince of my story, the beast in0 my nightmare.
Still i couldn't keep grudge against him, because above all he was and still is my best friend. the one i loved just like a brother, the one i shared my secrets with just like a shadow. The beginning of the relationship was as sudden and blurry as its ending. I won't lie and say i was fine with it. it hurt deeply. But as i like to say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. and i think both of us are today. 6 months after "the crash" things started over. But this time it's much more different. we grew up, learned from our mistakes, and we do know unlike the first time the risks and damages it would cause to play with each other's feelings.
how do i feel after all that?. Fine! i should say that it is Incredible how things can change! how a single person can turn your world around. how a single person can make you cry until you bleed or make you laugh until you cry. i haven't forgiven him yet, but i don't feel i have to. not now anyway. He makes me happy though i want to kill sometimes! But i can't. not because i wouldn't know how to live without him but because i owe him so much.Despite the fact that he hurt me more than anyone else, he made a sens to my dreams gave a point to my existence. he shared my secrets, my hopes, my fears, He made me unique, i don't need a mirror to see myself anymore. i only have to look into his eyes to see the reflection of the perfect person he made out of me. Of course