As her mother waits outside the bathroom door, Ruth Anne Boatwright, nicknamed Bone, is being beaten by her step-father, Glen. She looks into his menacing features and thinks, “it was nothing I had done that made him beat me. It was just me, the fact of my life. Who I was in his eyes and mine. I was evil” (Allison 110). Bone, the main character in Dorothy Allison’s Bastard Out of Carolina, comes to this irrational, self-deprecating conclusion as she is being abused one day and blames not her abuser, but her mere existence instead. However, it is Glen’s own insecurities that makes him resort to the physical violence aimed towards his step-daughter. This violence reinforces Bone’s self-blame and thus creates a never-ending vicious cycle as Glen…
Have you ever thought about people in different social classes being in a relationship? “Sarah Cole: A Type of Love Story”, Sarah is in the lower class and Ron is in the middle to upper class. There are many people that think peoople in different social classes should not be together.…
In Jerome Groopman’s fascinating New York Times article “What’s the Trouble,” we learn of three specific cases in which skilled physicians, “rely[ing] on shortcuts and rules of thumb... ‘heuristics’” (Groopman 4), fail to make accurate diagnoses concerning the unknown maladies of their subjects. However, since the article is written from the limited perspective of a medical professional, it lacks insight into the heuristic techniques of the patient, the cursory and sometimes imprecise trial-and-error processes which he or she must run through to deduce whether or not their clinician is trustworthy. I would like to discuss the heuristic method which I believe to be the most frequently utilized by patients: unverified trust in the doctor’s good morale simply because he or she…
“The bravest of individuals is the one who obeys his or her conscience” said J.K. Clarke. In other words, he his saying that a person who does what is right rather than the easier choice requires courage. This is proven in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee shows how brave Atticus is for putting an effort into defending Tom Robinson (a black man), when it is unacceptable in his society, and obeying his conscience.…
In “The Ill-Made Knight”, the third book of The Once and Future King by T.H. White, there are many approaches to tone. Tone is a writer’s attitude toward a subject or character and is normally produced by diction. Tone is shown in a passage that explains what it is like to wait for joy, referring to Guenever as the one who waits and Lancelot as the cause of her waiting. The tone shifts from intensity to anger as White displays a theme of how to treat a lover.…
Despite having a limited education, these letters portray Abigail to be an intelligent woman with brilliant ideas for the future of the United States. Her ideas of the future had a great impact on how many important articles were written and what it meant for the people of the nation. One example of this would be when Abigail wrote to John and asked for Congress not to forget about the rights of women. Their correspondence also involved a lot of political talk, which led to the conclusion that John thought of Abigail as an equal instead of just a housewife. These letters also revealed that Abigail gave John advice about many topics, and that he actually appreciated the words of wisdom and took them to heart. However, the main theme that is revealed in these letters is loneliness.…
Two of the most impactful influences that one can have in a relationship is love and expectations. Regardless of what kind of bond you may have weather it’s a communal, independent or consensual, how you connect with your partner or associates determines what level of love and expectations you have. Analyzing which level of love you have depends on you and how you feel towards your ally. Same level analysis goes for expectations, though this may be influenced by an illusion or pedestal placed by you or a community. If you recognize how a city is run, you will see how community and relationships play a huge role in love and expectations. In a Rose for Emily, we see the city take a play of interest in Emily Grieson’s love for Homer Baron. Though the city expects much of Emily, their concerns in her behavior and living arrangements have made them meticulous.…
How often do you see sexist remarks about women anywhere? Not as often as you would have 20 years ago and beyond. Though the thought that women have to take on certain roles has faded it’s not the only gender stereotype out there. The rise of feminism has brought forth both good and bad ideas as well as change towards a brighter future. To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel, by Harper Lee, which takes place during the Great Depression. Around this time there were a lot of different stereotypes about different kinds of people such as, Racial, Gender, Class, and Social stereotypes just to name a few. The main character, Jean Louise “Scout” Finch, is a girl and as a result faced a lot of Gender related stereotypes which still appear in today's society…
‘Growing up is a journey from childhood to loss of innocence’ How is this true from Jem in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird?…
Given the patriarchal lifestyle and the lower-rank women held in Puratin societies, it is shown that Abigail Williams has been living her entire life at Rock Bottom, and her actions within The Crucible are only to keep her from falling even further, which is important because this fact provides some reasoning and understanding to her selfish, manipulative decisions.…
What is love? Often enough, as a hormone-struck teenager, I am lectured on what love is not. According to my mother, father, grandmother, aunts, uncles, and every adult figure that has ever made a guest-star appearance in the long-winded romance novel that is my life, love is NOT the warm cuddly feeling I get when I see a cute boy at school. Love is NOT holding hands on the playground; is not caring an abnormal amount for a favorite pair of shoes. I feel as though a vast amount of time is spent describing the negative space of a person’s heart, and not long enough spent defining its shape. Although Pastor Ostrum follows suit with his anti-definition of what love is not, he definitely strikes a chord in my heart when he says that “love is not something we wait to have happen to us, but something we do.” Many might disagree, might argue that love is a two-way street; that in order to give we must first receive. However, in the novel “Until They Bring the Streetcars Back,” by Stanley Gordon West, Cal Gant demonstrates this principle of giving time and time again.…
In the novel Beloved, Toni Morrison delves into not only her characters' painful pasts, but also the painful past of the injustice of slavery. Few authors can invoke the heart-wrenching imagery and feelings that Toni Morrison can in her novels, and her novel Beloved is a prime example of this. Toni Morrison writes in such a way that her readers, along with her characters, find themselves tangled and struggling in a web of history, pain, truth, suffering, and the past. While many of Toni Morrison's novels deal with aspects of her characters' past lives and their struggles with how to embrace or reject their memories, Beloved is a novel in which the past plays an exceptionally important role. Most often, it is Beloved's main character Sethe whose relationship to the past is examined through her murdered daughter Beloved. However, Paul D's painful past and memories are intricately linked to both Sethe and Beloved and should be examined as well. Paul D's very conscious struggles to suppress his past are represented through a prominent, reoccurring symbol in Morrison's text, and are also mediated through his contact with Sethe's life and past as well as through story telling.…
To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in the 1930’s, at the height of the Great Depression. Historical criticism is where a book is examined while considering what was going on at that time in the world and the author’s life. It is important to look at works of literature this way, because, our world is quickly evolving, and ideologies often change. This must be taken into consideration, because something may be the social norm at one time, but quickly become repulsive a few years down the road. At this time, women had the right to vote, but they were still viewed as only housewives. Harper Lee accurately portrays thr roles of women in the 1930’s in her book To Kill a Mockingbird through her depiction of the characters Aunt Alexandra, Calpurnia, and Miss Maudie.…
In order to achieve the human potential the mind must be transformed, allowing the individual to discern God’s will and how to proceed. (151) This developed human thought process hinders the idea that spontaneity is the way to find what is authentic. Paul encourages christians to renew the manner in which we think. (151) As Wright addresses several issued associated with thought and reason in todays society. As a society we often use feeling to express opinions. (155) In order not to insult the other participants emotions, we abandon the discussion or avoid topics that could offend others. (155) I had never thought about the interchangeability of the words ‘feel’ and ‘think.’ I appreciate Wrights enlightenment on the topic, I will be paying more attention to the language I use and others use in…
To Kill a Mockingbird is a story about a man named Atticus, his two children, Scout and Jem, their best friend, Dill, and what their life is like growing up in Maycomb, Alabama. According to Harper Lee, "The novel is a love story pure and simple." To Kill a Mockingbird is a love story because Atticus cares for and loves his children. The other way this novel could be considered a love story is the way Calpurnia watches over the children as a mother figure.…